Work Day After the Snow Storm

Dec 30, 2015 08:14

Despite the beastly weather of yesterday, and the fact that most residential streets had not been properly plowed last night (due to the sheer amount of snow that fell, and the overnight work required to get the commercial roads tidied up), it was not a pleasant trip to work this morning. Adding to my misery, the seemingly biting cold that got to me coming in to the office.

To make matters worse, I feel rather rotten. The pinkeye situation doesn't seem to be resolving itself much, despite the hospital doctor's prescription (see this blog entry about that), and I've got a terrible headache/ear ache as well as somewhat of a cough that hurts at times.

That said, I came in to work this morning, and feel a little bit better with something to focus on. While I would have liked to take a day off, what with the short work week because of New Year's Eve and the fact that lots of folks are on holidays, I felt it was better served being at work. Tomorrow is another matter.

However, for today... Another day, another dollar.

work, eye problems, personal, health hut, ottawa, sick, office, weather

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