Two Days Before GenCon 2015

Jul 26, 2015 13:43

Sunday afternoon. Two days before I leave for GenCon.

A scorching hot day outside, and a sign of things to come for the rest of the week here in Ottawa, it seems.

So many things to do, packing-wise and gaming-wise, before I head off to the airport on Tuesday.

Between the weather, the allergies (this season seems to be particularly bad), the bronchitis I'm recovering from, some of the stress I'm feeling, and some other stuff that I won't go into on my journal, I've not been sleeping all that well, though I do seem to have caught seven+ hours of it last night, so I guess that's better than nothing. Won't stop me from napping at times, either. That said, it doesn't leave me feeling all that well, my temper's a bit on edge, and I feel a bit ragged. Not an auspicious beginning for what promises to be a very busy (and hopefully enjoyable) week.

I'm taking it relatively easy today, "relatively" been an operative word. I'll do a bit more packing though as I'm going to try to get most of the packing done today (I'm about 10 to 15 percent done; it's the last 70% of packing, especially when you have gaming stuff to take with you, that always worries me), since I've got to work tomorrow. And I may take another look at the two Primeval scenarios I'll (hopefully) be running at the convention. I might read a bit, but will definitely try to take a nap or two.

Just a reminder to folks going to GenCon: I won't be staying at the downtown hotels (since I couldn't get a reservation at one by the time my time slot arose on the housing portal), so if folks would like to meet up with me or chat or whatever, drop me a line here in e-mail or Twitter, or PM me for my mobile phone number.

rpg hut, convention, primeval rpg, health hut, personal, ottawa, packing, gencon, weather, gaming hut

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