I don't have a GG icon yet. Hopefully this will be remedied soon.
I was strangely attracted to Zach tonight. It's the facial hair, I think. Anyway--cute!
I love Sebastian Bach. I really, really do. He's funny on VH1 and he's funny on GG.
Rory needs to stand up straight. This isn't so much a random thought, because I think it every time I watch the show, but she does. And my mom would agree.
Luke is so good to Lorelai. Rushing Paul Anka to the vet? "I can't lose her because I killed her dog"? ::melts::
I love Paris. I adore Sookie. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but this is the first time I've shared with everyone, so there it is. Love Paris. Loooooove Sookie. I watched the S3 Thanksgiving episode the other night. And the bit where Sookie said, "I don't know, but it was served on the rocks--with SALT!," and did the little kick? Her crazy physical gestures get me every time. Melissa McCarthy is ADORABLE.
What's the consensus on Logan? I'm on the fence about him. The "Ace" thing kind of bugs me, but he's cute.
I'm ready for some Lorelai/Rory interaction already, so I hope next week delivers.
Last weekend, S and I were at our friends' house, and when Nena brought up GG, and S chimed in about how much he likes Lorelai, our friend Erica was stunned. "Are you really sitting there talking about Gilmore Girls?" To which Erica's husband made a comment about 'girl shows,' only to have Nena's husband (who is 6'2" and built like a quarterback) protest, "Hey, it's funny!" Hee!
We played Scene It! too, and if I may be so bold as to say so, I KICKED everyone's ASSES. Totally and completely. I showed no mercy. Not even when Erica's husband gave me shit for guessing the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope clip was from 'Road to Morocco.' He said it wasn't pop culture, it was history. Which doesn't even make sense.
Sore loser.
In other news, Murray's allergies are acting up, causing him to sneeze and honk like a goose, so I'd better go. (It's kind of hilarious to hear him, though. He really does honk. HONNNNK! HOOONNNNNKKKK!)
Also, I'll be going in for an interview tomorrow. Fingers crossed!