Just ask my friend, the urban legend

Oct 04, 2015 08:48

I love seeing the catch-up meme still going around. Hi everyone! I love seeing what you've all been up to.

I'm holding off finishing the third season of Person of Interest, because I suspect there's a major cliffhanger coming and season 4 isn't up on Netflix yet. Ideally, if I could go back and re-watch the Root/Shaw highlights of season 3, that would carry me pretty far. Seriously though, Shaw. Shaw is the best. I was worried in her flashback episode that they'd give us a trite explanation for why she is who she is, but I was so thrilled when she just - was always like this. Correct portrayal of neuroatypicals for the win! I also like how much of a religious zealot Root is while still always being smarter than everyone.

I took a peek at Gotham, which is - I don't know, I'm still watching so I guess I like it? But all I really care about is Fish Mooney. The show goes out of its way to let us know the villainous future of all the characters through extremely obvious camera work, and it also has some issues with Tragic Lesbian Toxic Relationships, and then there's Jim Gordon. Oh, Jim Gordon, he's So Good. He's So Righteous. He is The Goodest of the Good, especially in the face of ridiculous odds. He's So Good that the villains repeatedly spare his life because even they can't snuff out his Goodness and Light.

Seriously, though, let Fish Mooney take over the show.

Other things I should talk about: ALEXANDER HAMILTON. MY NAME IS ALEXANDER HAMILTON. I love Hamilton, much to the dismay of 
ataratah, who said, essentially, that I am frustratingly opposition defiant when it comes to musicals, which is true. I actively profess to hate musicals until the point at which I discover one I love. It is delightful, in this case, that I am not alone, and that my Twitter list and even Tumblr are filled with Hamiltunes!

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you are being watched by a bird, only my friends call me fish, a hard-on for the neuroatypicals, not throwing away my shot

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