I listened to Danger Days all the way through for the first time since the band break-up, and it was wonderful and hurt in a because-it-mattered way. I laughed when I misheard - AGAIN - Gerard telling us to take our pants off, and at the intro to Vampire Money, and I let the anthems inspire me like they had all those times before. It's also easier to be able to put on Save Rock and Roll after. Thanks for saving bandom, Pete.
I want to tell you of wild adventures since I last posted, but it's mostly been - chickens. Writing and chickens. We have six ladies now, and one rooster who is not yet full grown, ohmygod baby rooster! There's been epic gardening, with so many plants the raised beds had to extend into the front yard. A stray cat in the entry way hiding from the rain. (He's a tom cat and a confirmed wanderer - he visits and disappears and returns and disappears again. I said the other day that we should put up signs about him and K said, "He might not be missing." And I mean, it's true. Still, he sleeps on the ultra-water-absorbent door mat next to the sandals when it pours.) I've been trying to cram in more writing time in the morning - thank god for cold brewed coffee and refrigerator oatmeal, and I've been on a streak of reinventing characters - honestly, it will be a serious achievement when I write a villain and keep them the same from start to finish of a draft.
My LJ-versary is coming up and it's a big one - ten years. It's really kind of flooring me, because I remember signing up, I remember that summer day in my first full-time job "office." I remember being miserable, because I was in writing school and it was AWFUL, and K was in school and SHE hated it, and I was living in the city and I hated it, and somehow, this "blogging" tool found me and started me down a path that changed my life. That's kind of a long story, but maybe I'll write that this weekend. And I'll change the name/archetype/motivation of the villain a couple times, too.
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