If I loved you, it was so long ago I still had to say it in Russian

Mar 26, 2012 09:38

Can we talk about how amazing podfic is? And how incredibly talented podficcers are?
pennyplainknits recorded Space Looks a lot like New Jersey and I listened to it on my commute into work this morning and it is spectacular. She does a really masterful job of handling how obtuse Gerard is in this story and still making us feel for him; she packs so much angst into his first meeting with Frank that I was clutching at my chest. And Dewees, oh, Dewees. Just, go listen. Penny should read everything always.

I finally saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy this weekend, and I loved the holy fuck out of it. It was so understated, subtle, tense, and the world-building done with language alone was incredible. There were truly masterful uses of flashbacks, the moment when you think they are going to use a flashback with Smiley telling Peter about Karla and then they don't flash back at all, Karla remains anonymous and Gary Oldman acts the fuck out of that scene. His body language and facial expressions in the whole movie are spectacular. And once again, I'm not sure about my coherence about Benedict Cumberbatch as Peter Guillam, Peter's housekeeping (ugh my heart) and the scene where Smiley invites him upstairs for a drink and implicitly forgives him for his outburst with Ricky Tarr and pledges his continuing trust in him by telling stories. Honestly, all the moments where Smiley says "Peter, you're going to do this for me" made me flail, and then Smiley in the chair at the end - and Peter's smile, wow. I would like to read/write/roll around in Control/Smiley and Smiley/Guillam, but for now, at lunch I start reading the book.

Tinker, Tailor made me want to re-read Hapgood, which I picked up and carried around with me most of Sunday, while managing to read only a handful of pages. It may be a play, but it's Tom Stoppard, so even the stage directions are packed full: "We'll call him Russian One, because he's Russian, and there's going to be two of them."

In other media: I'm still watching Jeremy Brett's Holmes and continuing to love his physicality and his shouting delivery. I'm cautiously watching Grimm, which is generally enjoyably ridiculous, except when Munroe shows up and the writing sparkles (or when Captain Renard is creepy and attractive and I shout 'SASHA' at the screen.) I'm in the middle of the first season of Community - Halloween episode converted me, but the show is still 60% of the kind of humor that gives me the motts and makes me have to run from the room, but when I can get past my discomfort, the rest is hysterical. Also, I want Shirley to be my friend, and I want Abed to make a movie of my life.

I saw The Hunger Games in the theater yesterday, and it was incredibly faithful to the book and just as difficult to watch as it had been for me to read. I still feel tense - it was so well done, but in this case, knowing what happens in the book did not help the suspense of the movie.

I was going to post pictures I took in the yard this week as spring exploded, but I've rambled on about stories for long enough that pictures will have to wait. If you need me today, I'll be miming playing Pictures at an Exhibition on the invisible piano on my desk, and thinking about writing everything in the world.
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fiction on paper, hiding in a bathtub full of cement, in search of a master narrative, the wreck and not the story of the wreck

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