I went to acupuncture to treat this damn cold, took some magical herb supplements, walked in the cold morning sun (the most physical effort I've managed for DAYS) to the coffee shop to get an Americano - guys, I feel WEIRD. Not bad weird, just - weird. Like I fell asleep in the car on a long drive and barely any time had passed at all. It's one of those days where I can feel my filters are a little off, like, so, I complimented a random stranger in line for coffee on her super cute asymmetrical haircut and chatted with her about how she styled it and - you know, it's not something I'd never do? But also not something I usually do. So, hi! *is weirdly brained today*
Here, a list, since I feel oddly compelled to write lists today:
1. I had somehow missed that there was a new Avengers trailer, and OH MY GOD can we have this movie now? How about now?
2. I'm listening to Death comes to Pemberley by P.D. James on my commute and it has put me in a serious Regency state of mind. I want to read all of the stories about proper breeding and advantageous marriages and servants secretly in love with their masters.
3. I am SO excited to read all of the no_tags. And I've been told by
ataratah that people will recognize my style and be able to tell which prompt I wrote despite there not being what I consider most of my usual tells. So, wanna guess? What I'd offer to whoever guesses correctly depends on what you want (*flirty eyebrows*) but maybe a related ficlet? A themed recs list? I guess I'll just throw it out there and wait and see.
4. Are you watching Sanctuary? I ought to do a full-on Sanctuary pimp post, because dear lord, I love this show. I watched Chimera over the weekend, and Tesla, oh, Tesla. He is my favorite. From all the different ways he manages to refer to Henry without actually calling him by his proper name (Heinrich, I think, is my favorite, especially when Nikola is shouting it) to his compulsive flirting with Helen, he adds so much snarky depth to every episode he's in.
5. I spent a good part of yesterday reading the Appellate Court's ruling on Prop. 8 and it was fascinating and really enjoyable to read an opinion of the same-sex marriage "debate" so thoroughly reasoned and to the point. My favorite parts were the dissection of Prop 8's claims about what it would do (and how none of the claims were in any way based in reality - and not just the sarcastic way, there was no actual correlation between the claims and the change Prop 8 affected) and in the examination of terminology, and why the word 'marriage' matters.
6. Avengers! Now?
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