Hang on to this for me while I go get us some coffee

Feb 17, 2011 09:54

I wanted to do the WIP titles meme, but I've been waffling about it since last night since don't have a WIP folder so much as I have a complicated tiered system of lists and levels, mostly filled with stories with boring and straightforward titles. These ones at least aren't just pairing names?:

God's Love Pizza (We Deliver)- SPN, if you can believe it. I wish I could finish this, because it's Sam getting pizza delivery in Hell from Gabriel.

Leonard McCoy's Catalog of Things That Can Kill You - Does what it says on the tin. Reboot-verse, though a lot of my long-suffering Bones characterization comes from TOS. Brain-assisted brain surgery, you guys.

Nothing to Confess - BL/ind-ed Patrick, lyrics from the song that makes it so compelling to write him as a completely different, and crueler, person.

Detective Agency AU - See? Boring and straightforward. I mean, except for the part where it's an AU of my own story, which is just crazy.

Way/Morrison Square Dance - The complicated machinations of writing canon-based Gerard/Grant(/Frank) poly.

The Sequel We Are Not Writing - Well, I mean, clearly, once it got a google doc, the meaning behind the name became null, but this is where the sequel to Only Going One Way lives.

Fictionally Transmitted Disease -
ataratah blamed me, quite reasonably, for her new-found excitement over Dewees, claiming that she had "caught" him from me. Of course, this story is about Dewees being a florist, because....FTD.

Steve, Righ? is a will do for partner - The rest of that sentence is "especially if that partner is Steve." This is the Steve/Jimmy set during the filming of the Killjoys videos that I'm sure no one will read.

ALSO I just found out I get to leave work an hour early because I came in more than an hour early on Monday and completely forgot about it. I guess I'm thankful for this fussy balancing-hours worksheet I have to fill out every week and generally think is completely ridiculous. Clearly it's got my back!

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

cut my hair, coffee on demand, surely heaven waits for you, whatever remains however improbable, the needs of the many

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