Only Going One Way fanart by reflectedeve

Jun 16, 2010 06:50

So when we first got our posting date email with the art attached, I sent
ataratah an email that was all exclamation points. Like, just a row of them. And then I paced around the house, waiting for it to be some hour that was not 6 AM on the other coast to call her so we could flip out together.

I always love
reflectedeve's art, so the fact that she chose our story blew me away. The scenes she chose are just amazing. She picked perfect, evocative moments.

Ataratah says: Before we saw our artwork, I told JJ that my greatest hope was that we'd get a picture of Gerard in an apron - I am shallow like that - and then I was ridiculously thrilled when that was the first picture I saw. His apron even has little MAPLE LEAVES on it! And a bigger one on the pocket! And he's wearing it over the UNIFORM! I'm not rational about the apron, I love it so much, so I will move on, before there is more capslocking.

I adore
reflectedeve's style, and how expressive her line work is, and there's always a dozen or so charming little details that I fixate on in each picture. Bananas on a shelf, Dief eating a sandwich, Frank's tattoos (I'm sure JJ has said plenty about those), the flag magnet on the fridge, I can't stop looking at them!

JJ says: Oh my god Frankie on the floor! Frank really, really looks like someone who spends a lot of time on the floor! He looks so comfortable, with the way his hands fall, the way his knees are bent. The body language of both Frank and Gerard is amazing here - the way Frank's head is turned to Gerard, and how you see the scorpion tattoo, and the way Gerard is standing so open. And the kitchen! Really, I can't start talking about the kitchen or I will hit the word limit of this post. But the kitchen is so important to the story, and I love how vivid and detailed it is.

Oh, the rhubarb syrup! Another super important moment in the story, where Frank is changing so much that he thinks he doesn't like the taste of something he should like - and he can't even get the flavor right at that. This other angle on the kitchen is amazing (the pantry! the appliances!) and Gerard's expression breaks my heart, he looks so alarmed and concerned, and I especially like how he's behind Frank and Frank's pushing away from the table - and pushing Gerard away. RayK, however, is obviously the one who knows what's really going on, with that assessing eyebrow - even as he reads a Mountie romance novel, omg.

Fraser's little frown!! I love that
reflectedeve chose scenes that place Frank with RayK and Gerard with Fraser. I especially love the contrast of Gerard and Fraser, who seem like they should be the most similar, and she's highlighted the similarities of the uniform and their appearance, and yet Gerard's body language is totally different, his hair is messy while Fraser's is perfect, and Gerard is swearing while Fraser is silent.

Hot. Unbelievably hot. Wow, wow, hot. The nape of Frank's neck and the tattoos, the way his face is tucked into Gerard's neck, his fingers gripping the uniform, and the way Gerard's face is turned toward him and his fingers digging into Frank's shoulder. Ungh. Having them in the corner like it's a glimpse makes it so suggestive, so intimate.

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the wreck and not the story of the wreck

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