You have to admit, my plan is sheer elegance in its Draconian complexity.

Jun 10, 2010 18:12

I spontaneously watched the table read of the Middleman Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse this week. Before I'd seen the series, I remember hearing mixed reviews of what I now think must have been solely based on the comic? For that reason, I'd put it off, especially since the Palindrome Reversal Palindrome is one of my favorite episodes, and I think it works perfectly as a finale. But I ended up loving the table read! I was blown away at how in-character everyone was, how much they were enjoying the performance, and how there really isn't anything quite like a Middleman episode for tying together both complete ridiculousness and complicated emotional arcs.

After the table read, I pulled up Gerard Way's lecture at SVA. Every once and I while I get the urge to listen to it, because, for a random, rambly half-conversation of a "lecture," it remains incredibly creatively inspiring. I think, perhaps because Gerard sounds so normal, and because he's so honest. He talks about misdirection and failure and knowing yourself and having unexpected free time once he got clean and sometimes I only listen to twenty minutes of it before I need to go create something.

In that same vein, I'm listening to the podfic of Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency, read by the amazing
pandarus and I'm wondering if it's possible to marry her a couple of times over, or at the very least get her to read everything in the whole world aloud? She makes the Detective Agency absolutely fucking shine and I'm listening to her tell me my own story as I get ready to write the sequel because her version is that amazing.

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coffee on demand, eyes without a face!, whatever remains however improbable

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