One plan at a time

Apr 30, 2007 13:21

One of the things I love best about Farscape is how often these people punch each other out, and I don't just mean metaphorically. John and Aeryn and D'Argo and Zhaan and even Rygel knock each other out when one of them gets in the other's way, or as happens more often, when someone's being annoying.

The other side of that coin is how often these people invade each other's minds or dreams or go against each other's explicit wishes, how often they sabotage plans and attempt ill-advised rescues when they just can't stand to see the harm that would happen if their friends follow this course of disaster. Their friends just can't bear to live with the loss they'll suffer if they go through with whatever hair-brained plan they are cooking up that might end up getting them killed. People also get punched out in these situations, though in this case, more often than not, it's for their own good.

Speaking of which, right now, Zhaan is attempting to bring Aeryn back from the dead and it's making me go all wavy hands because Aeryn gives her Peacekeeper identification information and asks if Zhaan is here to reassign her. But then Aeryn refuses to let Zhaan bring her back because she knows what it would cost and so she pushes Zhaan away.

These people are all masters at pushing people away, and here I do mean metaphorically. Chiana sleeps with D'Argo's son and don't even want to talk about that, and Rygel sells the crew out once more and Crichton wants to die because Aeryn's gone and Zhaan is always trying to sacrifice herself for the people she loves and then it all gets better because Aeryn emerges from the cryo-freeze with a Qualta blade in her hands, looking like a cross between knight from King Arthur's court and the glorious thing you think you see in the corner of your eye just before you freeze to death in a blizzard.

John does think he's hallucinating but Aeryn's really there, with snow in her hair and her pale, perfect lips. And back on Moya, they meet in a random storage area that's exactly like every other place they meet in these situations when they can't face each other but can't stand to be away from each other. John tells Aeryn he loves her and she tells him she loves him too and they're not even looking at each other and of course they would do it that way. But then John reaches for her and turns her face toward him and they kiss and finally, you think, there is joy that does not come in the same breathe as sorrow. But you're wrong, because Aeryn thinks love makes you stupid, and the worst thing is, she's right, because Zhaan has sacrificed her life for Aeryn's life and John thinks that there must be some other way because he's John Crichton and there's always another way, to save his friends, to prove Aeryn Sun wrong, to have love and act on it and still get home in the end.

It's only a matter of episodes before someone punches him out.

i apologize for my strengths

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