"With all due respect to your innovative choice of strategy..."

Apr 09, 2007 13:07

I spent too much time yesterday in the car (and in traffic), too much time today writing an awful paper, and too much time in general wishing I were doing something else other than what it is I have to do.

However, I did sneak in an episode of Babylon 5 (Messages from Earth) and Delenn made it rain for Sheridan.

Lots of other really important things have happened in the previous episodes that I just haven't had the chance to write about. Lots of other important things happened in this episode, but my eyes ache and my back hurts and there's so much stress wound up tight inside of me that I feel as though I'm being pushed out of my own body and so I sought comfort in a story and the story gave me this gift, the sound of rain on the roof, the sound of someone giving comfort.

Sheridan took off his uniform and put on his adorable leather jacket. He made a contingency plan in case he didn't come back. He made the decision himself, but he needed Delenn there with him. He is ready to attack whoever tries to stop them, even if it's his own people. And still, even a brilliant tactical strategist has to sleep. He tosses and turns on the awkward, angled Minbari beds, and from the dark is revealed Delenn, resting on the bed next to him. They are alone together again. Delenn tells him something about Minbari culture he won't quite understand, and Sheridan tells her a story; all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again. Sometimes, Sheridan can't sleep, and once, his father made it rain with the garden house on the roof so that he could, if only for a few hours. He would have stood there for days if he had to, for Sheridan, because Sheridan does that to people, he makes them want to give of themselves. And so after Sheridan tells this story to his friend, his partner in all of this, this war path, this destiny, and Delenn lays her head back on the pillow and speaks to the ship and asks it to rain for him, so that he can sleep, and when the sound fills the room, Delenn reaches out and clasps his forearm, holding on to him because she's already promised to catch him if he falls, anchoring him here, in this moment, where it's raining and she's beside him and he can rest. They give each other this look, the one that's friendship and something new, and then Delenn pulls back and they clasp their hands together, so it seems that he is now holding on to her just as much as she is holding on to him, and together, like this, now they try to sleep.

*wavy hands*, the circle completing itself

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