"You are, incidentally, right. I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship."

Apr 05, 2007 23:24

OMG Babylon 5. Also, OMG Doctor Who, but that may have to wait for another post. I'm not sure there's room in one post for this much wavy hands all in one place.

I called kjabernathy the other day and left her what will likely be the first of many threatening phone messages regarding various plot anxieties I have regarding Season 3 of Babylon 5. Her reply is in the subject line. This show is so going to break my heart, but as it was pointed out to me by someone who knows me very well, "What are you talking about? You love heartbreak." And it's true. It's so very true.

Lately, I have tended to watch various episodes of television while on the exercise bike, and when I get really excited, I start pedaling really fast until the arrow on the display flashes on, urging me insistently downward to the advised speed of whatever workout level I'm on. And dear god, that arrow was flashing its little heart out while I watched Matters of Honor.

1. The new narration in the title sequence!

2. The new music! Clearly I love this show if I'm this excited about the music in the title sequence.

3. Sheridan's conversation with Kosh is a thing of brilliance. He may have seen Kosh but he certainly doesn't understand him.

4. Delenn knocked out several badass down belowers with a Minbari fighting stick and I just about lost my mind.

5. Marcus tells a story about his Ranger badge that gave me goosebumps. Cooled in holy water, human, and Minbari blood? I love the kind of story this tells us about who the Rangers are and what they mean.

6. Ivanova knows everything going on at the station, and the day she doesn't, we should worry.

7.The White Star. A Minbari warship with Vorlon technology. I just. YES.

8. Delenn and Sheridan standing together at the bridge. I don't know why this image resounded so much with me, except that it was evocative of them working together, acting together, walking this path together.

9. The Shadow in G'Kar's holy book. Oh, this show. And Londo's Shadow dream/nightmare. I love Londo talking about making the practice of joy a duty.

10. And Garibaldi, being misleading and hilarious and a walking riddle who doesn't tell himself anything he shouldn't know.

11. How close Delenn and Sheridan get when they talk on the ship, like the closer they stand, the more sense things will make.

12. Delenn clutching at her chest as Sheridan talks about the jump point inside a jump gate. I don't think she quite realized until that moment what it meant to let Sheridan lose inside a battle.

13. "You ready? "No. But you may proceed anyway."

14. Lennier cracks me up. All of this intense battle madness, wild maneuvers and skin-of-their-teeth escapes, and he says, a little breathlessly, how unprepared he was and how when they return he's going to submit revisions to the training program. It's completely wonderful.

15. Earth. In league with the Shadows. And Psi Corps is somehow even creepier than I'd already suspected. Wow. Um. Double wow.

And now I'm exhausted from having biked 400,000 miles in the space of 42 minutes of television, and so I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, which is probably best, because otherwise I might just watch the entire season tonight and then you'd just get an incoherent flailing post from me at about 4 in the morning with just something like OMG DELENN NO SERIOUSLY and surely there's time for that later this week.

the circle completing itself

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