you were never anything but beautiful to me

Jul 22, 2005 18:41

It's incredibly hot, and yet I still have the desire to cook. Specifically, cheesy corn and black bean quesadillas with fresh cilantro. And a big, tall glass of lemonade.

And it turns out the simmering didn't take as long as I thought regarding the Remus/Tonks story. I've found out how there can be Remus/Sirius AND Remus/Tonks during OotP, which had been the biggest stumbling block for me. Here's my idea:

Remus and Sirius have a great, soul-searing reunion post-GoF. They spend the summer together. They re-learn each other, they forgive each other for their mistakes. But there are nightmares, and hesitant moments, and flashes of the terrible destruction that twelve years apart - Remus beliveing Sirius to be the one who killed James and Lily, and the torture and torment Sirius endured in Azkaban, as well as their collective guilt over suspecting each other - wrought on their relationship.

Meanwhile, Remus and Tonks are working together for the Order. They become fast friends. Tonks, perhaps, has a crush on Remus, which slowly shifts and grows into something more.

Dumbledore asks Sirius (and Remus) to move to Grimmauld Place so that the Order can use it as headquarters and so that Dumbledore can protect (control) Sirius.Remus and Sirius begin to fight more. Big fight, big make-up, but some of the threads of their relationship are really starting to unravel now, and Remus isn't sure it's a good idea to be doing this with Sirius, all things considered, and Sirius isn't the same as he used to be, and, well, neither is Remus. But they love each other, even if it's bringing them heartbreak.

Remus and Tonks share a moment, one night on Order business, or in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. A kiss, or a half-kiss. It's tender, and then it's very suddenly awkward and painful. Tonks flees with most of her dignity.

Remus picks a fight with Sirius. Nasty things are said. Sirius drinks himself into a stupor, Remus goes for a long walk - and then to the pub. Where Tonks finds him. She'd been to Grimmauld Place first, seen Sirius. Come looking for Remus to see if he was ok. Perhaps Remus says something hurtful about the selfish nature of Tonks' concern, and then regrets it. Tonks tells Remus he needs to go to Sirius - and she means it - but that he had better be prepared to bleed, and that's all she has to say on the matter.

And then Sirius falls through the Veil.

The source of Tonks' rather mind-bending behavior throughout HBP can be chased back to her unrequited love, sure, a little bit. But think of her extreme incredible awful towering tower of guilt if she thinks Sirius' death is her fault.

Remus grieves. Remus goes underground. Tonks frets. They meet, every once and a while. Likely there is comfort-sex. Perhaps the comfort-sex starts to come with emotions attached.

They have many, many conversations where Tonks declares her feelings and attempts to convince Remus, and Remus pushes her away for many, many reasons, which he is happy to list, and most of which are complete lies to cover his real reasons - he doesn't know how can he let Sirius go.

Do you see it? It works. It works and I am SO going to write this story into the ground and make it my bitch.

Another super-exciting episode of Battlestar Galactica is on tonight's menu. And tomorrow, there will be kayaking. And cinnamon buns.

whatever remains however improbable

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