Finished - at last! My entry for the
dw_guestfest Whoniverse Minor Characters Ficathon! It turned out a bit longer than I was planning. I believe it is still, possibly, the 10th of April in some timezones...
jjporTitle: Focal Point
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 16,447
Prompt/Chosen character: Isobel Watkins from The Invasion. Sort of.
Notes/Warnings: A fairly strange idea for a fic that came to me when I was working on my other early-period UNIT fic and musing about UNIT dating etc. Once thought, though, I couldn't un-think it. I quote dialogue from the Who story The Invasion fairly liberally at some points, and also lyrics from the song Teddy Bears' Picnic, of all things. None of this belongs to me! With bloody violence, swearing, drug references, oodles of 1960s period misogyny and sexism and unpleasant stuff like that. Canon who characters bent wildly out of shape. OCs wandering into frame. You know, for the kids.
Summary: Isobel is in two minds about her involvement with the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie...
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