Fanfic: Careful With What You Wish - Chap 32

May 20, 2009 22:14

Title: "Careful With What You Wish" - Chap 32: Blow Me Away
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU BASED ON THE MANGA. It requires knowledge of the 'X' manga. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), some OOC, a bit of sappiness, twisted relationships, suicide attempts, mentions of abuse, violence, general insanity and other ( Read more... )

fic: careful with what you wish

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leeayre May 22 2009, 23:57:30 UTC
Deary me! You certainly have been updating stories left and right lately! *holds out hope that IIESYA might be updated soon* >_< And Twins Stars actually, though I'm certainly thrilled to see CWWYW! *squee* But wait! If the above list is correct, this means... *gasp* ...we're never going to find out the truth about the 14th clan head and the Subaru-ized Sakurazukamori wandering around in Do What You Have To Do! The horror! *tackles you away from the computer for a few minutes until you agree to submit to questioning at the hands of the law* And that's not the worst of it! What about I'm Always Whispering in Your Ear? Is Seishirou ever going to realize Subaru is hanging around his house in ghost form? Are we ever going to find out how Subaru managed to get through his wards in the first place? And why Sei can't see him? And is Subaru's spirit going to be sent on in the end? Or will they find a way to deal with his lack of a body? XD So many questions! You can't leave us hanging like this! *pokes you* If you're going to leave those stories hanging and never finish them, could you at least tell us what you had 'planned'? *puppy eyes* (Otherwise you'll have to listen to me 'making up' endings to your stories to satisfy my curiosity, and let's face it, that's like being forced to eat Subaru's cooking! :D)


ruthk May 23 2009, 05:43:15 UTC
Word! Love al your stories, JJ, but I'm very curious about"I'm always whuspering in your ear"


jjblue1 May 24 2009, 01:57:40 UTC
LOL, I didn't think there was people still interested in that fic... is so old... I thought it had been forgotten...


jjblue1 May 24 2009, 01:58:40 UTC
I've been trying but I'm not satisfied with how they turned out... -_- but yes IIESYA has been updated as well!
As declared here Do What You Have To Do & I'm Always Whispering In Your Ear are On Hold and I've no idea if they will ever be continued, sorry. As stated at the end of the fics I wasn't sure they would be finished back then at the time I posted them because Do What You Have To Do seemed to have a too childish plot so I would have to do some consistent changes, while I'm Always Whispering In Your Ear was supposed to be a crossover but then I ended up disliking the idea of a crossover so this fic too would have needed changes as well.
As a result they were both interrupted (they were rather early stories back when my knowledge of X was still incomplete and I hadn't studied the characters that well).
Part of their elements ended up in other fics, for example Maybe It's Karma or even Raison D'etré so they weren't completely lost...


leeayre May 24 2009, 08:04:53 UTC
But! But 'on hold' isn't anything certain! It's like being stuck as a spirit, unable to move on, but unable to fully enjoy being where you are! T_T It's stuck in the eternal hope that it 'will' be finished, while feeling daily dejection that it isn't... *pouts* But maybe I just got my answer... *sly* So there were persocoms involved? *_* Heh heh... so 'that's' how they dealt with the no body issue... *grins happily*

Oh, while I'm here though, I have something I MUST tell you! *cackles crazily* (Even though it probably means my Chara-beta shan't talk to me for months...) So, back when I first commented you, my beta and I had a rather delightful conversation about you. It started when I told her that I'd talked to you. And worse, that I'd mentioned 'her' in my comment... (and if you don't think we're crazy stalker fangirls yet, I'm sure this will change your mind... *blushes wildly*) This was her response:

"AAUUUUUGGGGHHH!!!! (tackles and shakes you) WHERE DID YOU COMMENT HER?! I WANT TO READ YOUR DISCUSSION!!! *is so intensely hugely jealous* >.<"

"Muwahahaha, never mind! I stalked around JJ's fics until I stumbled across your "discussion" and omg, it took me a while to find it and then read it. AH, LEEAYRE, you made me sound like an obsessed raving lunatic fangirl ready to jump her idol at the nearest opportunity!"

To this I responded:

"You'd kill me if I took all the liberties of talking with your favorite author when she was clearly 'your' favorite first, so I had to explain that you deserved all the credit." ^^;

And she replied:

"This is true (nods and feels a bit like Seishirou) My JJ, mine! I knew her first! (hiiiiisssss D< ) ^_~"

When I laughed and told her I was going to show you 'that' line, she responded with this:

"Oh, gawd, you're evil, Leeayre! >.< (feels too sick to even feebly protest) Ah, just tell me where you shamelessly slander my name so I can retaliate and not wear myself out doing a gigantic treasure hunt all over her LJ again. @A@

JJ's gonna think I'm a psycho nut and steer clear of me now T-T preciooooussss....zzzzzzzz"

AND! *deep breath* The best part! Schnick just gave me permission to show you something uber-special she just did! Now, 3 months later, she drew a comic-like caricature of this whole discussion, including you and Sub and Sei, which you can see here: Isn't it adorable?! (I had to twist fingers and promise illegal things to get it out of her too... >_>) JJ fangirls... *waves little JJ flags happily* ^///^


schnickledoogr2 May 24 2009, 14:28:21 UTC
I'm sorry, JJ. I was overly-excited at the time I said those things. Now I fear I shall never be able to comment you again without being extremely embarrassed. >////<
Here's an LJ link if you actually feel like replying to some craziness:

*runs away and hides*


jjblue1 May 24 2009, 16:54:37 UTC
Please, don't worry! I would love if you were to keep on considering to comment me!


jjblue1 May 24 2009, 16:52:06 UTC
Well, it's not for certain but chances are so low I wouldn't want people to raise hope about them... sorry about it...
Uhm, no, no persocom... Persocom was how they handled the same problem in RdE... that's the similarity between the two fics... they both have a dead Subaru still... around somehow...

*blush* Really girls you shouldn't fangirls about me, I'm not that much good! CLAMP is a much better subject, I'm just a mere fanwriter! *hides in embarrassment*

Though the comic-like caricature is so very adorable! i hope you both won't mind if I save it on my pc!


leeayre May 27 2009, 00:31:22 UTC
Heh heh heh. But JJ! I ‘warned’ you I’d start making up possible fic endings in order to console myself if you refused to finish them! *blinks innocently*

Aw, but you’re way more fun to follow around and worship than CLAMP! *grins* You don’t kill your characters! Or rip their eyes out! And you can actually read your American fanmail! (Whereas a lot of Japanese manga artists can’t read English fan letters)

*laugh* Well, you’ve certainly got ‘my’ permission to save the pic! I don’t think Schnick will mind too much either though. ^_^


jjblue1 May 28 2009, 19:46:13 UTC
Please feel welcomed to try! And please share them! I would love to know what you think wwould have happened later!

*blush* well... that's not quite true... Subaru can complain I killed him trice... and in another fandm I destroyed an entire universe...

Thank you!


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