Fanfic: Careful With What You Wish - Chap 32

May 20, 2009 22:14

Title: "Careful With What You Wish" - Chap 32: Blow Me Away
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU BASED ON THE MANGA. It requires knowledge of the 'X' manga. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), some OOC, a bit of sappiness, twisted relationships, suicide attempts, mentions of abuse, violence, general insanity and other things I might have forgotten... Deal with this fic with caution...
Notes: This is dark and twisted, dark and twisted, dark and twisted... have I mentioned it's dark and twisted? It's born to show a less nice Seishiro, how bad Fuma's idea that Wishes must be fulfilled is and how stubborn Subaru can be no matter what happened to him.
"Tokyo Babylon" & "X" belong to Clamp. I'm merely using their characters because I love them... especially Seishiro and Subaru...
Do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok?
To Ruth for betaing this! Thank you a lot!
To Moko, Tanuki-dono, Meffie, Sakanagi and Yupita for supporting me while writing this fic! Thank you a lot!
Summary: After meeting Subaru in his Maboroshi 16 years ago Seishiro chose to keep him and placed him under a spell so that he would obey to him. Now, in the year of destiny he has to face Sumeragi Hokuto who wants her brother back and Monou Fuma's obsession for fulfilling wishes...

‘We should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.’ Andy Rooney

“They fall in line
One at a time
Ready to play
(I can't see them anyway)
No time to lose
We've got to move
Steady the hand
(I am losing site again)

Fire your guns
It's time to roll
Blow me away
(I will stay, unless I may)
After the fall
We'll shake it off
Show me the way

Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, will we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all
(Breaking Benjamin - “Blow Me Away”)

She was in trouble and she knew it. Nekoi Yuzuriha, age fourteen, who had recently lost her Inuki and had just declared her feelings to Kusanagi-san, was now trapped with the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui inside the cylindrically shaped Kekkai she had raised without the slightest idea how to fight him.

Inuki wasn’t with her anymore and, maybe, even if he had been there, she wouldn’t have stood any chance either against the most powerful Chi no Ryu who, right then, was smiling at her like Kusanagi-san, while cheerfully destroying all the ground around her with the same ease one would chase away a fly. She was powerless against him, she could do nothing but dodge, but the worst thing was that she _knew_ he was missing her on purpose as if he was having fun taunting her for her inability to defend herself.

It didn’t matter, she thought as she continued dodging. As long as she could keep him trapped there he couldn’t kill people. She wouldn’t let him destroy Minato the same way that other Chi no Ryu had destroyed Shinjuku.(1) She wouldn’t let him kill anyone else, she wouldn’t let anyone mourn someone else, that was for sure.

But her time was running short as she was growing more and more tired. She couldn’t dodge him forever and, to make matter worse, a flying stone hit her ankle, injuring her. Her feet lost stability and slid on the already dangling piece of concrete, causing her to lose her balance and fall. The slope of the now damaged roof on which she was caused her to roll close to its edge but she managed, at the last second, to catch hold of a piece of the building, before falling from it. She could feel a burning pain in her bleeding ankle and in her tired body, her frustration and helplessness growing as the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui taunted her… and it would be so easy to surrender, to let go and slip down the building and straight into death’s arms, free from responsibilities, pain, frustration, helplessness… so easy… Yet she refused to do it. She had promised Inuki… Inuki… she would do her best… Inuki… the memory brought a new wave of pain as the teenager continued to mock her, smiling again like Kusanagi-san.


Kusanagi-san told her…

‘Ojouchan, but you do know.’


‘The answer to: “Why is it wrong to kill humans”…’

‘I don't know!’

‘You do. You see, this is the answer. Ojouchan, why are you crying? You are sad because Inuki passed away, right?’

‘… Yes.’

‘You're sad because you thought of the people who died in Shinjuku right?’


‘The answer to “why can't we kill humans” is “because someone will be crying”. It's not only humans, in the killing of any life, someone will be sad. Ojouchan, you'll be sad for someone who dies, right? Even if you do not know them, even if they are not human…’(2)

… Yes, she would be sad, she would cry for them. That was why she couldn’t die, not until she had made sure that the Chi no Ryu wouldn’t kill anyone, that he wouldn’t make anyone sad. She had to be strong and live and protect everyone’s happiness… especially Kusanagi-san’s one… she had to… and so she would do.

“… In the end, the Kekkai you've made will be useless,” he continued, still in a taunting tone, but she had made her decision now. He wouldn’t sway her, no matter what he would do or say. He seemed to pause as he looked at her determined expression. “… You don't want to die?” he asked as if, with his offer to kill her and all those people, he was doing them his twisted version of a favour.

“Of course not!” she snapped firmly. She had no idea what she could, what she would do but she wouldn’t be deterred anyway. She wouldn’t surrender to him, no matter what. He seemed unfazed by her reply as again his smile looked exactly like Kusanagi-san’s gentle one.

“If this is what you really wish for, you will not die,” he assured her, energy collecting in his hand, and she looked at him in confusion.

“What do you mean!?” she asked, not sure anymore if she was being mocked. His words and his actions made no sense to her. Was he telling her she would surely survive while preparing to strike her to dead? How? And why would he care anyway? He was lying, he had to be!

“Let’s find out if this is what you truly wish for,” he told her as he moved to attack her again and he was too close and she had no idea how to avoid it and… and…

“STOP!” a familiar voice screamed and, the next second, she saw the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui being blasted against the opposite wall.

She turned and saw Kamui standing on the building behind her, Shiro Kamui-san with a determined expression on his face and surrounded by swirling energy. Powerful… she knew he was, he should be a match for his Souhoshi and yet… she wasn’t sure if Kamui-san could beat him.

“Kamui-san!!!” she called him anyway and he ran to her side, under the pleased gaze of the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui. The boy that was once known as Fuma was already standing, sporting some bruises and a cut on his left cheek but looking definitely not too badly injured and ready to continue fighting.

“You’re showing good timing… Kamui…” he remarked, sounding as if he was pleased by that development.

“Stop it, Fuma!” the other boy answered angrily.

“You still don't seem to understand after all the times I've told you. I am Kamui”, the other replied nonchalantly, as if they were talking of meaningless matters, before starting to throw powerful blasts at them. They dodged but Kamui, the Ten no Ryu’s one, realized they wouldn’t manage to keep this up for long since Yuzuriha’s ankle was injured. His only option was to fight Fuma, to fight Fuma in order to protect Yuzuriha… and the people in Minato… Fuma… This time he wouldn’t hesitate, he decided. This time he would fight, no matter what. He would bring Fuma back. Even if, in order to do so, he would have to hurt him…

Subaru caught sight of the blasts, as he got closer. Kamui and… well, Kamui. Their powers crashing one against the other were an impressive sight. The powers of Kamui. A power he couldn’t match.

He knew it had been a stupid idea to come there. He wasn’t recovered yet but what was worse was that his perception was off and it was getting worse the more tired he became. With each jump from a building to the next he risked miscalculating the strength he used and end up missing the rooftop on which he planned to land or landing in the wrong spot. Objects seemed too close and shiny, hurting his eyes. He really wasn’t in the shape for a battle but… but Seishiro-san and Sumeragi-san where not too far from that point. He had to protect them.

From the fall of the Kekkai, from Kamui, from the end of the world, from everything.

Sumeragi-san had been kind to him and Seishiro-san… he wouldn’t survive without Seishiro-san. The Chi no Ryu’s Kamui was dangerous. Subaru didn’t approve of killing but… but he would never allow Seishiro-san to be hurt. Kamui would never raise a finger against Seishiro-san. Subaru would make sure of that.

When Subaru reached them, the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui had a nasty cut on his shoulder but he had managed to trap the Ten no Ryu’s Kamui in his arms. Memories of being equally trapped, equally helpless, assaulted him and caused him to feel nauseous but he pushed them back as he picked up a handful of Ofuda.

“Kamui! Let him go!” he ordered. Both the teenagers turned to look at him. There was also a young girl with them. He assumed she had to be Yuzuriha. She was probably also the one who had raised that Kekkai. She also looked injured. It wasn’t going to be a glorious day for the Ten no Ryu if they were three against one and apparently none of them was in the shape to fight.

“Oh, look at who we have here! A rescuer! What if I say I don’t want to, Subaru-kun?” the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui replied but his voice sounded like Seishiro-san’s and he looked like Seishiro-san and for a moment he… he hesitated. But he was familiar with that trick, he had seen it up close and personal and he had lived for years with a master of illusions as Seishiro-san was. If he was careful he could manage not to let himself be fooled. He hoped. He wasn’t in the shape to fight and his aim was definitely going to be off but the teenager didn’t know this, he only knew wishes and maybe… maybe he could use this.

He attacked, uncaring that the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui was still holding the Ten no Ryu’s one, wishing only to hit him. Somehow it did the trick. His aim, as he had suspected, was off and he missed badly, but Kamui had sensed only his wish and, relying only on that, he had quickly moved out of the way, pushing the other Kamui away as well.


He remembered there had been a bond between the two, a bond that destiny seemed to have broken but what if in spite of it all it was still there? What if it was all a farce acted out for an unknown purpose? There wasn’t time to wonder, however. The older teenager let go of the younger one, trapping him with cables as he had already done on Sunshine 60, then moved to attack Subaru. He was fast, Subaru noticed. Strong and powerful too. Normally Subaru could have persevered, not for long but at least for a while, but considering his current state he doubted he could do it. He didn’t even have the strength to find the mental concentration necessary to put up a barrier to trap his adversary. Odd how during the battle somehow his perception was adjusting faster, or maybe he was adjusting himself to it, and he managed to land some good blows but it was too slow, requiring too much concentration of him.

Hold on.

He had to hold on because he would never allow Kamui to hurt Seishiro-san, no never, he… He fell hard on the concrete when he didn’t manage to dodge a blast in time.

“It seems you have a new Wish, Subaru-kun,” the teenager said pleased. “Should I fulfil it as I did with the previous?”

Subaru didn’t waste time and forced his tired body to stand. Kamui right now was probably looking like Seishiro but his blurry eyesight didn’t allow him to make out his figure clearly.


He had to protect Seishiro-san. He had to protect Seishiro-san, no matter what. Only… only he had no strength left and… he shook his head as the world threatened to turn black, then sensed rather than saw the teenager charge at him and he had to move out of the way, or shield himself, or do anything, only he had no more strength and… and… He was pushed out of the line of fire by another, larger body.

The two of them ended up rolling together and he felt really tempted to black out but he knew who had pushed him away and he…



“Are you okay?” they asked in unison forcing themselves to stand as they checked each other’s condition. Seishiro had got some scratches and a cut on his forehead but it wasn’t anything to worry about. Subaru-kun looked much worse and completely worn out, needing Seishiro’s support to even manage standing. The good point was that the Chi no Ryu’s Kamui was wounded as well. Seishiro glared at the teenager, as he held Subaru-kun tightly against himself. With Kamui injured he could have a chance… if it wasn’t for the fact he had to protect Subaru-kun as well. They couldn’t escape, trapped as they were in that Kekkai. They would inevitably end up going down but he would be damned if he was going to make things easy for that brat.

“It seems you too have a new Wish, Seishiro-san,” the boy informed him and again, again he tried to play the role of Subaru-kun. Only Subaru-kun was right next to him and he wouldn’t allow himself to fall in that trick. He would murder that brat. Slowly and painfully, he would make sure of it. “Well, what are you going to do? In order to fulfil your Wish you have to sacrifice something. Namely your cute Ten no Ryu. He has a new Wish too, did he tell you that? Apparently he has the same ‘genetic flaw’ of all the other Ten no Ryu…” Seishiro’s eyes widened and he fought to stay calm. What was that supposed to mean? What sort of new Wish could his Subaru-kun have? He… He tightened his hold around Subaru-kun and if looks could kill, Kamui would be dead. Too bad they couldn’t. The teenager raised his hand, power crackling around it. “Choose, Sakurazukamori. Abandon the Ten no Ryu and escape to my blast or face it and die with him. You’re too close. You won’t manage to shield yourself or escape if you keep him with you.”

True, but Seishiro was a stubborn, resourceful man. He stood still, glaring at Kamui, uncaring of Subaru-kun calling his name as if urging him to abandon him and escape. Instead he faced his most dangerous gamble. Maboroshi were good for something, he mused as Kamui blasted. They could make sure the brat’s aim would be off, giving him the chance to move himself and Subaru-kun out of the way.

The fact that Kamui-chan and the girl had panicked, believing they were about to be killed and decided to react instead of just watching the show was an added bonus. Kamui-chan finally managed to free himself and throw a blast in the general direction of his opposite and the girl… well, she kind of created a puppy Inugami that now stood in front of him and Subaru-kun protectively. Of course they hadn’t escaped completely unharmed from the blast but they were both fine enough and still standing and that was what mattered. Problem was… for how long the four of them were going to stand.

As it had happened in Shibuya, this time too it seemed they weren’t going to find out. Kamui turned toward the injured girl, who was without any doubt the Ten no Ryu about whom Hokuto-chan had talked to them before. He told her that it was true that she really didn’t want to die and left. Seishiro allowed himself a private moment to wonder if there was any sense to Kamui’s action before turning to Subaru-kun to check his status a second time.

“Idiot!” the boy yelled at him as soon as their gazes met and he blinked in surprise. “He could have killed you, he could have killed you, he could have, and I… I…” Subaru-kun wrapped his arms around his neck, buried his head against his shoulder and started sobbing. Seishiro blinked more, Subaru-kun had never yelled at him before and, anyway, he was the one who should have done the yelling since Subaru-kun was the one who got himself into that trouble but he didn’t feel up to it. He was too busy feeling relief because the boy was all in one piece. He buried his head against Subaru-kun’s shoulder and remained there, simply holding him, as if they were the two halves of a whole finally placed back together. He could hear Kamui-chan and Yuzuriha-chan chatting together quite close to them in the background but he didn’t really care. He was back with Subaru-kun and Subaru-kun was fine and that was all that mattered. He didn’t raise his head, not even when a shrill familiar voice called Subaru-kun as well, and registered Hokuto-chan’s presence only when the girl partially divided the two of them to trap Subaru-kun in a hug.

Subaru blinked in confusion as Sumeragi-san too hugged him. He was tired, tired, tired. The world was blurring and he found it hard to make out his surroundings.

“Sumeragi-san…” he whimpered, wishing to be released from her hug. He only wanted to hide in Seishiro-san’s arms and stay there forever and yet, as the girl hugged him an odd sense of déjà-vu assaulted him.

“Don’t you dare call me that after you’ve worried me to death, Subaru! I’m just Hokuto, have you got it?” she yelled at him and there were tears in her eyes and his eyesight blurred more and, for a moment, the girl seemed younger, so much younger, nearly a child, and the lake, the people screaming, and he couldn’t breathe and…

“I didn’t mean to fall in the lake, Hokuto-chan…” he whimpered without knowing what he was saying, just repeating what his mind prompted him to say. She froze and stared at him.

“Subaru? Do you remember…” but before she could finish her sentence the world darkened almost violently in front of him, a sharp pain hit him and he managed to cry out ‘Seishiro-san’ once before slipping into darkness.

Seishiro grabbed Subaru-kun as he slumped, holding him close and calling his name, checking for any sign of injury that could have caused that sudden collapse but those bruises the boy had, despite being nasty, didn’t look that bad… He reached out and gripped Kamui-chan’s shirt, dragging him closer.

“What did the other Kamui do to my Subaru-kun?” he shouted, shaking the boy violently and ignoring Hokuto-chan’s protests and attempts to pry his fingers off the boy’s shirt. Kamui-chan’s report was unsatisfying, apparently the brat had done nothing more to Subaru-kun then what he could see himself, so what… Then he wanted to smack himself as he realized the answer was far more obvious.


Likely nothing too serious but in the boy’s weakened state it had been enough to hit him hard. He picked him up in his arms, informing no one in particular he was going to carry Subaru-kun back to bed because he needed rest. He nuzzled his head once against Subaru-kun’s before starting to walk away. He felt… oddly numb. This time… this time, it wasn’t like the other time when he had believed he had lost Subaru-kun and then had found him again in Shibuya. Back then, he’d been worried for the boy but he was sure he was alive. This time… this time all he’d been able to think was he wouldn’t make in time, that he was going to lose Subaru-kun forever, that he wasn’t able to be without him. This time he hadn’t just been worried and hurt. This time he had panicked, a feeling which he definitely wasn’t used to, and all that worry was still trapped inside him. Subaru-kun had cried and vented his own fear but Sakurazuka Seishiro wasn’t even familiar with the concept of crying out in relief. All he knew as he held the unconscious boy tightly against himself was that he wouldn’t manage to survive, should he lose Subaru-kun. He wouldn’t. He had no idea how Subaru-kun could be fundamental for his survival, but that was just the way it was. Without Subaru-kun he wouldn’t survive. The boy was essential to him like the air he breathed, maybe even more, and that was why he would never let him go. Never. Never, never, never. He would rip anyone into pieces who would try to separate them.

He still had no idea that someone was already planning to do just that just there, to have the boy that mattered so much to him, the only one who mattered, pushed in death’s cold embrace, out of his grasp forever. He had no idea and maybe it was better like that. The world wouldn’t have survived what Seishiro would have done, had he known.

To be continued...

JJ's Notes:

1. In the manga you can see that, when Yuzuriha spotted him, Fuma was over the Japan Tobacco Building which is in Minato.

2. Yuzuriha and Kusanagi from 'X' Vol. 13.

JJ's Extra Notes:
During the initial planning this scene should have been very different and divided in two parts. In the end I decided on this version and to keep the whole scene in a single chapter. Oh, and just in case no one noticed we’ve reached Vol. 15 of ‘X’!

-chan: Name ending used to express affection and familiarity or to talk with a child
-kun: Young
-san: "Mr." or "Mrs."
Chi no Ryu: Dragon of Earth
Inugami: "Dog God". A dog shaped spirit that someone control
Kekkai: Shield
Maboroshi: Illusion
Ofuda: Short, polite form for 'Ujikofuda' ("Charm for Shrine Visitors"). Rectangular paper "charm" used to cast some spells
Ojouchan: Girl
Onmyoudo: "Way of Yin and Yang". Yin and Yang are the male and female forces underlying the movement and changes of nature. Onmyoudo is based on the Chinese arts of astrology, divination and Taoist magic and also represents a mystical way of living in harmony with the forces of nature
Onmyoujutsu: "Art of Yin and Yang". The ability to use Onmyoudo spells
Sakanagi: "Reverse effect". Backlash of a spell
Sakurazukamori: "Guardian of the Cherry Blossom Burial Mound". The assassin who uses Onmyoujutsu to kill whomever threatens Japan
Souhoshi: "Accompanying Star" or "Gemini" or "Twin Star"
Ten no Ryu: Dragon of Heaven

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fic: careful with what you wish

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