wednesday nathan update

Jan 25, 2012 18:00

N: what dat?
Me: that is a tiny speck
n: how it get dere?
me: a loong tim ago, there were dinosaurs in my house, all over the place, and -
n: what kind dinosaurs?
me: a tyrannosaurus rex.  And he was running all over, when a speck fell off him and landed on my counter.
n: tywanosaurus wex runnin all wound you house, he step right heah, an leave dis tiny 'peck!
me: yes.
n: what did you say to him?
me: i said, mr. tyrannosaurus, you are very early for the tea party. i haven't even made the sandwiches yet!
n: den he EAT 'em
me: eat what? i hadn't made the sandwiches yet.
n: you made him sandwich. what kind?
me: oh, i made him a cucumber sandwich. then he said, i eat meat!
n: den he eat ALL the cucumbers!

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