Aug 30, 2004 22:42
hey there true believers, today as an experiment the l-dog opened his mind up to ignorance and decided to arguee the side of the re-pubicans....
I, being true to myself, as always, argued my views against them.
this is how it went
rageAGAINSTdubYA: aftershock is way better than goldschlagger
Slim Baka 43: yea it is
rageAGAINSTdubYA: made myself a lil glass of afterschock w/ a tiny amount of grenadine = great stuff
rageAGAINSTdubYA: fuck the dash of tobasco sauce
Slim Baka 43: ha ha
Slim Baka 43: that's for pure shock value
rageAGAINSTdubYA: tastes gross
Slim Baka 43: it does taste good
Slim Baka 43: well it's an aquired flavor
rageAGAINSTdubYA: this is nice and sweet
Slim Baka 43: *flavour
Slim Baka 43: ha ha
Slim Baka 43: so much for not drinking
Slim Baka 43: lol
rageAGAINSTdubYA: no i said no drinking to get drunk
Slim Baka 43: ahh
rageAGAINSTdubYA: and no more than 2 drinks
Slim Baka 43: coo
Slim Baka 43: i wanna smoke some weed
Slim Baka 43: i think i will roll a small j and smoke on the ride home tomorrow
rageAGAINSTdubYA: but you've been drinking
Slim Baka 43: give me something to look foward too
rageAGAINSTdubYA: hahaha
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I think I'm gonna officially giving up weed or any other drugs
Slim Baka 43: well you never officially used them
Slim Baka 43: so you can't really give them up
Slim Baka 43: lol
rageAGAINSTdubYA: how do you figure?
Slim Baka 43: if some one asked you if you smoked weed what would you say
Slim Baka 43: normally under most regular conditions
rageAGAINSTdubYA: i'd say "yes"
Slim Baka 43: oh, i'd probably say no even
Slim Baka 43: cause i really never do anymore
rageAGAINSTdubYA: not regularly, but I still have smoked
Slim Baka 43: that once in a while doesn't really count as being a weed smoker
Slim Baka 43: and you never baught your own bag
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I think I'm going to turn straightXedge
Slim Baka 43: no.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: give up drugs and stop drinking
Slim Baka 43: sxe is gay
rageAGAINSTdubYA: yea,
rageAGAINSTdubYA: it's a good way to stay happy and healthy
Slim Baka 43: 1. they say they are extreme straight edge.
Slim Baka 43: 2. they butfuck eachother
Slim Baka 43: that to me ='s gay
rageAGAINSTdubYA: even though we joked about it a while ago, I think I will be getting more involved with church, or at least community service. some sort of thing where I could help out ppl.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: straightXedge does not = being gay
Slim Baka 43: well there's no crime in that
Slim Baka 43: yea it does
Slim Baka 43: any extreme is gay and retarded
rageAGAINSTdubYA: no
rageAGAINSTdubYA: its people that want to stay healthy and happy
Slim Baka 43: in order to achieve complete happiness you have to maintain a balance
Slim Baka 43: no it's people that beat up stoners
Slim Baka 43: and smash in windows at aa meetings
rageAGAINSTdubYA: no that is an extreme part of it
rageAGAINSTdubYA: just like peta is an extreme for animal rights activists
Slim Baka 43: sxe is the peta of straight edge
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well my mistake
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I thought the X was part of reg. straight edge
Slim Baka 43: no i hear you on giving up weed and not getting drunk
Slim Baka 43: that' cool man whatever
Slim Baka 43: but sxe is gay
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I was talking to joey b about it, and it seems interesting
Slim Baka 43: dude, remind me to punch you in the face
rageAGAINSTdubYA returned at 9:39:07 PM.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: for what?
Slim Baka 43: the only extreme about joey b is his homosexuality
Slim Baka 43: and dude joey b? i honnestly think you hate him more than i do
Slim Baka 43: i know a bunch of people who are sxe too, and they are tense kids
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I dont hate anyone
rageAGAINSTdubYA: what do you mean tense?
Slim Baka 43: like their necks look like they are gonna snap
Slim Baka 43: cause they hate everyone that does drugs and think that every one is out to currup them
Slim Baka 43: *currpt
Slim Baka 43: most wear leather jacket and dress all punk(like avril punk not real punk)
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well I dont need to change my "style"
Slim Baka 43: and they get offended when you say shit about smoking weed
Slim Baka 43: like anyone who smokes even cares what they think
rageAGAINSTdubYA: nah, I'm too laid back. it's just personal, I dont care what others do
Slim Baka 43: yea, that's not sxe at all
Slim Baka 43: in fact sxe kids would hate you for not caring what other do
Slim Baka 43: that's how gay the whole sxe movment is
Slim Baka 43: they are basically the angry conservative rednecks but extremly more annoying
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well sxe, would get more people to think
about what they are doing
Slim Baka 43: cause church and god are number 1
rageAGAINSTdubYA: maybe that is the way to go. you'd be helping out other people
Slim Baka 43: yea, but honnestly i wish drugs were legal and saving people from ods wasn't
Slim Baka 43: cause that would narrow down the population alot
Slim Baka 43: need i remind what other people are....mallrats, goths, thugs, skaters, preppies, hippies, rednecks, fat people, churchies, teenie boppers, flamers, punks, etc.
Slim Baka 43: people are naturally stupid, and to waste your time on these people is foolish
Slim Baka 43: because you are giving them food, not teaching them how to hunt when you reach out through churchs
Slim Baka 43: you are just contributing to the massive brainwashing of american society.
Slim Baka 43: what's next, are you going to stock up on supplies in case of a "terrorist attack"
rageAGAINSTdubYA: that sounds like hippie legalization propaganda
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I dont like hippies
Slim Baka 43: because the only terrors that the the people have to face is marketing scemes drawn up by large corporations to make money of of the suffering and fear of the american people
Slim Baka 43: no hippies endosre peace and love
rageAGAINSTdubYA: and legalization of drugs
Slim Baka 43: niether of which, as you know, i am fan of.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: drugs are the reason for a lot of crime. so they should definitely be baned.
Slim Baka 43: i only endorse legalization because then people will die!
Slim Baka 43: by banning them you create the crime sindicate for drugs.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I think I'm going to have to change my S/N Toms been listening to the republican national connvention and some of the stuff they are saying are good points
Slim Baka 43: yea of course there are good points
Slim Baka 43: and the democrats have alot of good points too
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I might not be voting for kerry =-O
Slim Baka 43: and either way we are fucked
Slim Baka 43: if you don't vote for kerry, do not vote for bush or nadar
Slim Baka 43: *nader
Slim Baka 43: cause they are just as bad if not worse
Slim Baka 43: did you forget that bush spent the lives of soldiers in order to profit from oil revenues?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: he went to iraq to stop saddam
Slim Baka 43: did you forget that his lack commitment to his civil duties allowed the 9-11 incident
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I found a good website that basically shows most of F 9/11 were lies
Slim Baka 43: i also found a website that shows that most of it was true.
Slim Baka 43: and that bush is all lies.
Slim Baka 43: seriously, you should know better
Slim Baka 43: neither site can be right
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well I wouldn't be voting for nader
Slim Baka 43: no, nader is a useless grass smoking hippie
rageAGAINSTdubYA: this site had links to well established news articles
rageAGAINSTdubYA: it was right
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I'd be voting for Bush not kerry
Slim Baka 43: dude i could create a site and link it to well established news article
Slim Baka 43: but that's the media, which is just another form of currupt corporate scandals.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: it was linked with facts that dispprove what MM was saying
Slim Baka 43: they feed the people what they want to hear.
Slim Baka 43: and people are stupid so they tell them things that are stupid
Slim Baka 43: well micheal moore is definatly one sided
Slim Baka 43: and of course he used very effective movie making techniques to pull at your emotions
Slim Baka 43: that's what he does he's a movie maker
Slim Baka 43: don't be so surprised
rageAGAINSTdubYA: yea well I don't like it
rageAGAINSTdubYA: now that i've seen all the facts
Slim Baka 43: what you've seen isn't even ha;f the facts
Slim Baka 43: there are probably a million different things that all come into play.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: So now I gotta come up with a new S/N. I should stop dishonoring the President
Slim Baka 43: the ONLY reason i am voting for kerry is because this is what will happen if he loses....bush wins
Slim Baka 43: another war...maybe a draft.
Slim Baka 43: a few terrorist attacks to stir up the public. make everything a go for it.
Slim Baka 43: then alot of people die, people get pissed, oh and look at this, hilary clinton is running in 2008 if kerry loses..
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well we need to stop the terrorists
rageAGAINSTdubYA: kerry wont fight em
Slim Baka 43: and lets see she'll completely ruin the economy
rageAGAINSTdubYA: hilary wont win
Slim Baka 43: see this is were i feel we should welcome the terrorist by nukin the fuck outa every country that looks at us cross eyed
Slim Baka 43: yea, she will
Slim Baka 43: trust it's all in nostradamous' prophecies
Slim Baka 43: kerry ain't gonna win
Slim Baka 43: i know that
Slim Baka 43: but i am still gonna try and change the future
Slim Baka 43: that's all i can do
rageAGAINSTdubYA: nostradamaus can't predict what will happen
Slim Baka 43: here's an interesting fact... time has sped up
Slim Baka 43: you ever hear of that?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: no
Slim Baka 43: they don't tell you about that, cause it'd freak everyone out
Slim Baka 43: i know it sounds kida crazy but it's scientificly proven
Slim Baka 43: you know why all these scandals and shit are comming out now and never did before
rageAGAINSTdubYA: oh?
Slim Baka 43: yea i can get you a bunch of info on it
rageAGAINSTdubYA: check my profile
Slim Baka 43: but i think it's something like there are 4 days to every seven days
Slim Baka 43: well whatever floats your boat man
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I think I should practice what I now preach
rageAGAINSTdubYA: maybe join the military or something
Slim Baka 43: yea go for it
rageAGAINSTdubYA: you almost joined the air force right?
Slim Baka 43: join the military, go serve in iraq and afganistan
Slim Baka 43: almost
Slim Baka 43: there is nothing wrong with joining the military
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I'm sure there is a recruiters office somewhere around here
Slim Baka 43: when it's your only option out of poverty and a hell hole of a life that will consume you into a balck heart hate monger
Slim Baka 43: BUT if you were going to join
rageAGAINSTdubYA: you're just spewing out the crap that MM spewed to you
Slim Baka 43: wait till you get your degree
Slim Baka 43: well that's the truth.
Slim Baka 43: he is right about alot of things.
Slim Baka 43: and i was aware of that fact long before mm ever said anything
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well I could go enlist now, I'd just put off the degree for a few years
rageAGAINSTdubYA: no biggie
Slim Baka 43: you know why i almost joined the air force?
Slim Baka 43: cause i honnestly woke up every morning and saw what i had lost and thaught of killing myself
Slim Baka 43: and the air force offered me my life back
Slim Baka 43: so i tryed to join
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well I've got not much going for me.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: might as well defend this great country from terrorists
Slim Baka 43: yea, a four year degree, parents who love and support you(i.e. wrx), a possibility to have job that you'd love doing something you'd love. the chance to be successful in life, and be well off the rest of your life
Slim Baka 43: you got it fuckin made dude
Slim Baka 43: the only pennnace you gotta pay is living with gay tom.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: theres not much jobs around MA that I'd enjoy doing
Slim Baka 43: which honnestly can't be as bad as you say it is
rageAGAINSTdubYA: plus it's my duty as an American to serve in the miltary
Slim Baka 43: there are you just have to work with the career counselers very closly and do everything in your ability to find one
Slim Baka 43: no it's not
Slim Baka 43: that's total bullshit
rageAGAINSTdubYA: well that's you're beliefe
rageAGAINSTdubYA: and we're in a free country so you can think that
Slim Baka 43: it's your duty as an american to think for yourself and educate yourself to better the nation
rageAGAINSTdubYA: yes
Slim Baka 43: we are not defending freedom, or our right to live, if that were really the case, we'd have wiped out a shit load of people
rageAGAINSTdubYA: and I have been thinking about it, and remembered some of the stuff schena told me, and so i've come to this conclusion
Slim Baka 43: there is no longer and just wars. they are all about greed, jealousy and intolerance
Slim Baka 43: what's your conclusion?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: that it's my duty as an american to serve
Slim Baka 43: that's just a bunch of garbage. like be all you can be.
Slim Baka 43: you can be more by not joing the military, and finishing college.
Slim Baka 43: then if you still feel the need to do so, go ahead and you can be an officer and contribute more than being just another grease monkey with a gun.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: calling the people in the military grease monkeys with guns is insulting
Slim Baka 43: cause think about it... they want you to help out the best you can, well if you have a degree and join the military then they have some one who knows something more than the non-degree holding citizen
Slim Baka 43: it's true
rageAGAINSTdubYA: they are defending your freedom
Slim Baka 43: no, they are just a bunch of dogs doing tricks
rageAGAINSTdubYA: they are making this great country a better place to live
Slim Baka 43: how? by destroying other countries?
Slim Baka 43: by shooting muslims?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: by killling terrorists
Slim Baka 43: there are more terrorists inside the us than in iraq, how's that for a fact
rageAGAINSTdubYA: it's not a fact
rageAGAINSTdubYA: thats a liberal propaganda lie
Slim Baka 43: yet they aren't fighting them...why?
Slim Baka 43: it's all propaganda
Slim Baka 43: just like there are terrorists in iraq.
Slim Baka 43: there aren't
Slim Baka 43: all it takes is one nut
Slim Baka 43: and who breeds more psycopathic serial killers than any other country? oh yes it's american.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: i think you've been brainwashed.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I feel bad that you believe all the liber BS
Slim Baka 43: and who has the larger murder rate...not number, but percentage of murders to people living? yea that's america.
Slim Baka 43: oh yea, and who has foolish acts that not only give avantages to those who don't deserve them, also ignores the needs of those that do? yea, that's america
Slim Baka 43: you know why all this occurs? because it's not the liberals, and it's not the both
rageAGAINSTdubYA: if you want to think that sure
Slim Baka 43: yea there should be laws on gun control....and yea that isn't going to stop guns from killing people. or even the flow of guns into the street
Slim Baka 43: and yea sure abortion is not the best way to deal with that situation. but it is that womens right to choose.
Slim Baka 43: and of course drugs and drug crimes are unbelievably horrible...but legalizing them won't make them stop.
Slim Baka 43: the thing is, you say these people are defending our freedom, yet we are not really free
Slim Baka 43: yes we have alot more freedom than many other countries...but that does not make us free.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: you can believe that if you want
rageAGAINSTdubYA: but I love this country and have decided to defend it by joining the military
Slim Baka 43: lol, good one.
Slim Baka 43: i just wanted to prove that i hold my ground
Slim Baka 43: and either you are joking, OR tom has brainwashed you and is getting you to join the military in order to get the room to himself.
Slim Baka 43: and you aren't gonna let gay tom beat you at a mental game are you?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: so tell me, should I join the air force, marines, or RCMP?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: there is no mental policce
Slim Baka 43: there should be.
rageAGAINSTdubYA: *mental games
rageAGAINSTdubYA: wrong IM
rageAGAINSTdubYA: so air force, marines, or rcmp?
Slim Baka 43: it'd be your choice.
Slim Baka 43: i prefered the air force cause it's alot cushier than the others
rageAGAINSTdubYA: I think I'll go RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police aka "Mounties" cause they get the cool hats
Slim Baka 43: ha
Slim Baka 43: ha ha ha ha ha
Slim Baka 43: and they get horsies too!
rageAGAINSTdubYA: yea, I think that's that route I should go
rageAGAINSTdubYA: man, that is so tough to be a republican
Slim Baka 43: you do realize that means not living in the us right?
rageAGAINSTdubYA: the logic is so terrible
Slim Baka 43: ha ha ha i don't know how they do it
rageAGAINSTdubYA: they must be fucking morons
Slim Baka 43: lol
rageAGAINSTdubYA: hehe I just wanted to have a little fun and use no logic whatsoever to see what it's like
Slim Baka 43: yea
rageAGAINSTdubYA: "If ignorance is bliss, knock that smile right off my face"
Slim Baka 43: if you read the convo over again, you'll realize that anybody who heard what i had to say and didn't even consider that there might be an alternative way of thinking has got to be the MOST ignoant person on the face of the earth
rageAGAINSTdubYA: yea
Slim Baka 43: lol
NOW if you read this carefully you will notice that ldog was constantly contradicting himself. now all he was doing was stating things republicans have said. Conicindently contradictory in alot of ways.... not to mention the level of ignorance that was in each staement replying to things i had stated, most are common psycological defnse mechanism,,,like you are just repeating mm....well no, mm is just repeating things that others have felt and said for a long time. not that he isn't working for the other side. because he is. but that doesn't mean anything he said was any less true. BUT ldog is still with the mighty and the bright.
ftbs i m out.....THINK FOR YOURSELF!