Political Roundup

Sep 24, 2008 15:31

McCain to suspend campaign to deal with crisis

Yup, cuz the current financial crisis JUST started today.  He wants to postpone the debate Friday night to deal with all this.  Um...you're not stopping your campaign until Thursday.  You've been campaigning for the last week and a half.  Someone's already trying to weasel out of the debate...

McCain seeks to delay Friday's debate

Gee, shocking.  The consensus lately is that Obama is going to pummel him.  So why not beg out of the debate to "work on the economic crisis"?  Sounds perfect to me...although he's not in Washington right now, WORKING ON THE DAMN CRISIS.

Louisiana rep to advocate poor person sterilization

Problem #1: if the purpose of sex and marriage is to procreate according to the Bible and people are sterilized, thus unable to have children, does that not mean they can not be married or have "non sinful" sex?  Is this not the same argument I've been using for years as part of the justification for same sex marriage?

Problem #2: having a wealthy or educated parent does not necessarily mean they will have a wealthy or educated child.  Do two athletes necessarily have an athletic kid?  Does a gay parent necessarily mean the child will be gay?  Nope. Faulty Biology 101.

Problem #3: are we not just creating a new level of poor and uneducated by eliminating what we currently see as poor and uneducated?  Today income under X amount is poor.  Tomorrow, when those people are not around, Y is going to be poor.  Soon, today's rich will be tomorrow's poor.

Bush to address nation tonight

Yup, the prez is going to explain the current crisis to us.  A full week and a half after the shit began to hit the fan.  Notice he didn't say two words when oil started going through the roof earlier this year.


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