Being Creative Part V

Sep 07, 2008 20:59

Jackie was struggling with a box when I pulled into the driveway.  It was easily fifty pounds too heavy for her, but being the stubborn person she was…well, you get the idea.  The box sat on the middle step to the porch; Jackie supported herself on the railing, breathing heavily.  Her entire back was wet, the light pink shirt she wore a darker color, almost red.

“Jac, hang on.  Lemme give you a hand with that!” I yelled out to her through my open window.  Either she didn’t hear me or didn’t want to hear me.  As I rolled the windows up, she grunted, picked the box up and dropped it on the next step.

Leaving my troublesome messenger bag in the car, I bounded out and ran to her.  The last thing either of us needed was Jackie being laid up with a hernia or ruptured disc or something stupid like that.

Together, we lifted her stuff together and brought it inside.  Once through the front door, we set it down in the foyer.  I couldn’t make out a label anywhere on it, letting me know where the stupid thing needed to go.  Lemme tell ya: this box was filled to the breaking point with some heavy shit.

Being nosy, and as Jackie was chugging from a water bottle, I pried the thing opened, expecting to finds books or weights or pots and pans or…I don’t know.  Something fucking heavy.

To my surprise, all I could see were school supplies.  Pencils, pens, erasers, folders, paper, colored pencils, notebooks, crayons, posters, stickers, staplers…the list went on.

“Fuck, Jac, don’t you leave this stuff at school?” I asked, panting a bit myself.

“Not for the summer.  We’re assigned different rooms every year,” she told me.  Somewhere in my consciousness, I knew that.  It rang a bell for me.

“Where have you been?” she asked.  I sat on the bottom stair and looked at her.

“You want the long or short?”  See, if I was going to tell the story right, I had to let her know about Carter.  All about Carter.

“I like stories,” Jackie said as she sat on the floor, legs splayed out in front of her.  She was getting comfortable.  Typical Jackie.  The floor was her favorite place to do work, eat, sleep, read.  I was nearly sure she’d cook on the floor, too, if she could.

So I went into the Carter saga.  From the first time we started talking to yesterday.  His looks, where he lived and what happened this morning.  I guess some of the details were a bit much for her, since she scrunched her face a couple times.  Right around the sex parts; that was to be expected.

“Wow.”  That was a great reaction.  What else could I have expected?  And really, what else was there to say?

“Yeah.  I don’t expect to ever see him ever again, honestly.  Maybe once or twice in passing, but that’s it,” I shrugged as the words came out.  Somewhere in my heart, it did hurt.  I think we both knew it without having to articulate the words.

After a minute or two sitting there, looking at one another, the inevitable question popped up.

“Did you call Dan last night?”  Good old Jackie.  She always knows how to get right to the heart of the matter.

“I was…occupied…last night.”  There was no delicate way to say I was getting a blowjob from a straight guy and fell asleep crying on the floor three feet from where we were sitting now, was there?  Some details she didn’t need to know about.

“Ah.  Are you calling him today?”  She was a persistent mother fucker, wasn’t she?  I appreciated her egging me on, if you must know the truth.  Left to my own devices, I would have talked myself out of calling Dan every time I picked up the phone and kicked myself when I found out Dan was seeing someone else or otherwise unattainable.

“We’ll see.  Maybe tomorrow after work…”

“No.  Now.  Invite him over for dinner.  Tonight.”

I looked around at the state of our unfinished trainwreck of a house.  The cable wasn’t hooked up yet-Tuesday.  I was piggybacking the wireless internet signal from a neighbor; that would be set up on Tuesday, too.  Our kitchen table and chairs-such as they were-had all manner of garbage on them.  Boxes littered the kitchen floor.  I had no idea which box the dishes or utensils were in.  Hell, I didn’t even know what WAS for dinner tonight.

“Jac, please.  Look at this place,” I started to plead my case.  Even if the entire house had been perfect-which it wasn’t-I just wanted to have a low key night.

“Aaron, if you don’t call him, I will.  And who cares what it looks like around here.  He knows we’re just moving in.  Go get your phone!” she commanded.  Did I have any leg to stand on at this point?  Jackie didn’t threaten me very often.

Okay, never.  I couldn’t remember the last time she laid down the law like this.

“Alright, let me grab the stuff in the car and I’ll call Dan when it’s all put away.”  It sounded like a fair compromise; after all, I had left a crapload of food in the car: meat, fruit, milk, some ice cream, pastas…and a whole bunch more stuff.

I bounded out of the house before Jackie could order me around again.  She was right behind me.  Was she afraid I was going to make a break for it or what?

Since these wharehouse clubs carried products in sizes which would never fit in regular bags, I had thrown everything into the trunk.  And I do mean everything.  Only the ice cream was in the back seat.  Between the two of us, we managed to gather everything in a single trip.  It wasn’t easy, obviously.

We didn’t speak on the way out nor on the way back in.  It wasn’t I didn’t want to talk to her; I just didn’t know what to say.

Yeah!  I’d love to call Dan and have him over for dinner tonight.  And maybe tell him to stay the night so I can get into his shorts?

It had been a while since I had seen my last dick, if you must know.  Sure, there was Tony, but he didn’t count anymore.  Especially considering what happened the last time we tried having sex.  Emphasis on the word “tried.”

I threw the ice cream in the freezer and the other perishables where they belonged.  That part was easy.  The cabinets hadn’t been organized yet.  We hadn’t even talked about it.

Sure!  If I call Dan, chances are I’ll make an even bigger ass of myself than I did last night and he’d be turned off forever.

My back was to Jackie, so I didn’t see her grab my phone, let alone come up behind me.  She cleared her throat a couple times, trying to get my attention.

When I spun on my heel, I found my phone in her outstretched hand at just about eye level.  There was no getting out of this, was there?

“No, there isn’t.”

What the fuck? Did she read my mind?


I blinked a couple times, trying to figure out what was going on.  Jackie hadn’t developed the ability to read minds…

“It’s all over your face, Aar.  I’m not telepathic.”

Mother fucker.  I was really transparent, wasn’t I?

“Call.  Him.”

Reluctantly, I took the phone from her hand, scrolling through my contact list.  I hit send, looked Jackie in the eye and started to sweat.

I silently prayed Dan didn’t pick up.  Maybe he had given me the wrong number.  Maybe, if he didn’t recognize the number, he wouldn’t pick up.  Maybe he was working today and couldn’t pick up…

“Hello?”  Shit.

“Hey, uh, Dan.  It’s Aaron.”  Okay, now what?

“Hey!  I was starting to think you were flaking out on me!”  There was a laid back charm to the voice, something which put me at ease almost immediately. I leaned back on the counter and smiled.  Jackie nodded, her work done, and went upstairs to undoubtedly put stuff away.

“Nah, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since last night…I mean, I’m not obsessing or anything.  Just thinking.  Not fantasizing either…”  God, I was fucking this up.

“Aaron, it’s alright.  I was only playing with you.”  If he only knew how much I wanted him to really play with me…

A sound caught my attention from the other side of the phone.  It wasn’t Dan’s voice, but someone younger, sqeakier.  It didn’t sound like a television; there was no distortion.

“…please…pool…?”  Were we getting interference from someone else in the area?  I couldn’t tell.

I heard Dan whisper something incomprehensible on my end.

“What was that?” I asked, curious as all get out.

“Oh…that was…Ethan.”  How cute!  He was babysitting for a friend or a sister or something!

“That’s really sweet.  I’m not keeping you guys from swimming, am I?”

“Ethan hasn’t put his bathing suit on yet and doesn’t know where his towel is,” I felt he was talking more to the kid than to me,”so I have some time.”

“Alright.  But I don’t want to keep you…”

“You’re not.  Believe me.  All my son wants to do is swim.”

My…son?  You have got to be kidding me.  Dan couldn’t have been old enough to have an eight year old kid yet.  And what the fuck?  Isn’t that something you’d mention before you give a guy your number?

“Shit, Aaron, you didn’t know.  I’m sorry.”

I guess my mind was still stuck on the “son” thing because I didn’t respond.  Yes, I wanted a kid or kids sometime in the future, but getting involved with someone with a munchkin already?  Ethan would be around for everything we did, there wouldn’t be any private time.  And did he know Dan was gay?

“Aaron, please say something.  Anything.  What’s on your mind?”

I kicked my brain into gear, telling myself to say something.  Anything, really.  Tell Dan I thought it was cool he had a son.  Invite them for dinner.  How much I wanted to kiss his pink lips and make him…

“Come over for dinner tonight.  Both of you.  I insist.”  Well, it was a start.  And not nearly as stupid as the shit I had said last night.

“You and Jackie are just moving in.  I wouldn’t want to impose.  Besides, tomorrow’s school and work.  And Ethan is due back at his Mom’s by 8…”

“No excuses, Dan.  Jackie and I insist.  As long as you both like pasta, meatballs and garlic bread.”

“Pasta is Ethan’s favorite.”

“Good.  So we have something in common.”  Okay, as long as I maintained my cool, I could talk to Dan.  When my brain started fantasizing about what might be, I got into trouble…

“Alright, what time should we be over?” he asked, almost sheepish.  I looked at the clock.  It was a little after 11.

“How about 1:30 or 2?  Gives you guys time to go swimming and us time to clean up a bit.”  Was that going to be enough time?  I had to shower and shave and clean and cook and...  I twisted my right nipple through my shirt.  The pain was nearly unbearable, but it got my mind back on one track.

“Let’s split the difference.  How about 1:45?”

I laughed.

“That works too.”

“Should we bring anything?” Dan asked.  Extremely handsome, a DILF and courteous.  Did I hit the mother load?

“Only yourselves.  We’ve got the bases covered.”

“Sounds good.  See you guys in a couple hours?”

“I’m…we’re…I’m looking forward to it.”

“Cool.  Bye.”


But we didn’t hang up.  I heard Dan breathing and he heard me.  I didn’t know how to stop this conversation.  I wanted him to come over right now, to bask in his presence, to eat him up.

“I should hang up,” I tried.

“Yeah, Ethan has his bathing suit on backwards.”

“Go help him so he doesn’t hurt himself.”

“Yeah, I should.”

“Hang up on 3, then?”



My finger hovered over the end button.  I couldn’t bring myself to hang up.

“Okay, I’m going now…”

The phone went dead.  I smiled as the phone closed in my hand and I thought about the rest of my day.

“Jac!” I shouted.  “We’re gonna have company!”

And then I sprung into action.


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