Dear lord...

Jun 02, 2006 12:47

First we have cameras at traffic intersections.

Then we have tapping phones a couple weeks ago.

Now we have FBI wants to save web usage information.

So Big Brother nows wants to know what we do while we're online all in the name of "terrorists and porn". Shoot, I think I see the next scapegoat to get everyone's eyes off Iraq. Why is it so terribly important that the government know what I went searching or looking for online? That's exactly right...

It's not.

Do you people NOT see what's happening right in front of you? Let's make sure the illegals can't come into the country...let's make sure those darn gays can't get married...let's disenfranchise entire blocks of voters so a theocracy can move into power...let's make sure we know where all our people are at all times and what they're doing...let's start a war by invading a soverign nation...

Please tell me this idiotic government is finally going to get the boot this November. Start with the Congress and then chop off the head in the 2008 election. We don't need another Bushivick on the throne, er, White House. We can't take another four years.


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