Jun 25, 2010 01:13

So I pretty much spent about an hour this afternoon with the basketball love of my life. Who cares if there were TONS of other people there too. Yeah, I'm talking about you, Pau Gasol. Niketown LA had a Q&A session (or as he called it, a 'low-key chit chat') this afternoon with Pau. OMG so crazy. I'll post some pictures at some point when I'm not lazy & I feel like uploading them. But here are some key points:

- TOTES could've scored some VIP passes (aka sitting in the front & probably getting some bomb ass photos), but I fucked up & jumped the gun when I sent my reply to nikebasketball on twitter. WHY I was thinking July 28th as Pau's birthday is beyond me. Balls man, balls.

- Pau Gasol is SUPER AWKWARD - and it's for sure the type of awkward I love. There are various types of awkward I like (man, does that even make sense?) & alkjfnf I just can't explain it. Just the way he would react to some questions or just whatever was going on was priceless. But know this: my love for Pau Gasol has grown ten-fold after today. How that's even possible is beyond me, but it is, apparently.

- I noticed this way before, but omg, his braces are off!

- Seriously. Awkward. I love it.

- He called Ron Artest an artist. <3

- SOMEONE HAD THE BALLS TO ASK HIM IF HE WAS DATING SOMEONE. HE SAID YES (SHE'S PRETTY TOO). & SOMEONE HAD THE BALLS TO ASK HIM FOR A HUG. AND HE HUGGED HER. I WAS JEALOUS. STILL AM. KLJFKJSNFAKJSFN. The girl was like 'can I get a hug?' & he pauses for a bit & then says 'sure, why not.' My friend and I pretty much yelled at each other. & I'm pretty sure everyone else was just shocked & like adkjfnakjsdfnjs Pau! Shoot, I know I wanted a hug from him, lol.


That's all for now. I'll post some photos eventually. When I'm not lazy. HAHA yeah, cos that's possible...

basketball, lakers, pau gasol, a day in the life

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