pretty much the highlight of my week

Mar 17, 2010 20:19

Tuesday afternoon, I have my FS 9 class. It's my great directors class & this semester, it's focused on Hitchcock. This past Tuesday, we watched 'Rebecca'. Honestly, every time I see something with Sir Laurence Olivier, I suddenly remember how much I adore the man. Anyway, this was probably my favorite part of the film, lol.

This isn't at all your idea of a proposal, is it? It should be in a conservatory, you in a white frock with a red rose in your hand... and a violin playing in the distance, and I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree. - Maxim de Winter

LOL, thank you for this. The end!

film, sir laurence olivier, quotes, school stuffs, hitchcock, random

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