vlog deux - journey to the unknown...aka, back home for spring break.

May 14, 2008 19:22

'Jean Paru san wa?' 'Uun, ga konai. Furansu ni kaeru.'

Ah, the long awaited second vlog. I actually had another one planned, but I was watching the footage for that & it was pretty much shite (due to my shitty camera along with it's shitty audio when I record stuff), so I decided to make my second vlog the trip back home for spring break, as well as part of the drive back up. Once again, it's mostly a video montage...again, for the same reason I didn't do what was supposed to be my second vlog, which was a hike along a beach cliff, lolz. It's a bit long, sorry for that. But yeah, here ya go.

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Now back to studying for my math final...
signing off, s.


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