I really should start my English paper. (It's only a rough draft.)

May 14, 2008 00:37

'That's horseshit.'

Can I just say that men with a dry sense of humor is about one of the best things ever?

'I have people to watch porn for me too. And then they report back on what they've seen.'

'I also spent time learning the whip, just lashing the shit out of myself for about two weeks until I learned the timing of it. The trick is to know when it is at its full extension before you bring it forward. I didn't have any input into the costume. It's a bizarre costume if you stop to consider it, a man wearing a leather jacket in generally hot locales. But I understood that if he's carrying a whip, he might as well be wearing a leather jacket because it doesn't make any fucking sense anyway.'

'By the time we came to Last Crusade, we all had the desire to deepen the character. I was very interested to bring his family and father into the story. I thought Sean was an inspired choice. He was only 12 years older than me but I didn't look my age and he played older. The character was originally conceived as a wise Yoda-type character and Sean had the notion to make him more of a curmudgeon. Sean's a brilliant actor and was enormous fun to work with. It was almost like vaudeville at times. The stuff involving the father and son sleeping with the same woman was just wild shit. If you think about it in the context of the film, it was unbelievable that we got away with that. Let's face it, Sean's just not that cute a guy...'

& Yeah, I was watching the I'm Fucking Ben Affleck video & then I was watching Ben Affleck's interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live after it & *snort*

Jimmy Kimmel (J.K.): Would that rank among the strangest days of your life? The day we shot that?
Ben Affleck (B.A.): It so far exceeds the strangest day, & I've had so many strange days in my life.
J.K.: I’ve had a lot of weird ones too, but Harrison Ford really took it over the top. Y'know, he really did.
B.A.: He really did, it's true. When your actual hero & your life-long model of, y'know, masculinity, strength, & power is sitting there through like, the glass in the recording booth going like 'I'm fucking Ben Affleck!' I'm like, when did this happen in my life?
J.K.: It's all you could ever dream about as a young boy!
B.A.: Yeah, I was like, 'I did it!' Apparently, this is it.
J.K.: All we were missing there was Chewbacca really.
B.A.: I was actually wearing Chewwy...

I'm having too much fun with that video.

OH OH! Hahaha, I bought the special edition box set of Indiana Jones today, lolz. I wanted to watch one of the movies...but that damn paper. & I have to memorize my lines for my Japanese skit, lolz.

Hey Amanda! Guess what, I FARTED.

signing off, s.

videos, harrison ford, amanda, quotes, indiana jones, a day in the life

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