my teacher is a werewolf.

Jan 06, 2008 00:10

'And it's plain to see that even Harry P. would do the twist.'

Just wanted an excuse to use that icon. =P
I seriously love that picture. Him & his tattoo & the cigarette & his sleeveless Blackpool top. Bwahahahahha. &&& to post this:


I think I'm going to The Remus Lupins concert on Tuesday, yay! Yeah, I've pretty much been listening to only The Remus Lupins & Harry and the Potters for the past day. WROCK FTW.

Which reminds me, I'm currently in two wrock bands, but we have yet to do ANYTHING with it. hahaha:
The Kingsley Shacklebolt Experience (Me & Kelly)
The Floating Flitwicks (Me & sistarrr)

*points to self* NERD!

signing off, s.

the remus lupins, harry potter, david thewlis, random

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