'I died a hundred times.'
[dun dun dun.]
Do you all understand how fucking hilarious it is when Mr. P walks into brass ensemble & the first thing he says is 'calm down' cause at least 4 of the 7 members are cracking up? But yes, Steph made a deal with Mr. P...which didn't really work out, despite her efforts. She actually didn't talk/screw around during rehearsal like the rest of us. =D
Walked with Tim to the mall & just hung out while he ate. While walking, told him the stories of how I had various trips to Jason's house with either Steph or Sylvia. & our adventures...& I really don't know why. Talked about a couple of things & of course...laughed about things for no reason. Oh yeah! We saw Joyce at Carl's Jr., so we walked up behind her & just stood there & all these people started staring at us like 'WTF.' We concluded that this group of girls that watched us were preparing themselves to dial the cops. Oh yes, back to sitting with Tim & talking. Then we see Caroline, Jobo, Andre(ANDREW!), David, Gayle, & Dean walk up & sit at the table next to us. We're, of course, laughing about something. I think it had to do with me hitting the cup outta the way. Then we walked back & sat at a table listening to Leva's Polka & Leva's Polka (bbm remix). He kept shouting bbm out & I was like...dude, that sounds wrong. Then we walked around, listening to my iPod while he took pictures of random crap. Which I didn't upload cause I didn't feel like it.
Then rehearsal. Bwahahaha. I was fucking tired. Blaaaah.
Notice how Tim's expression doesn't exactly change. Other than a little smirk from time to time. & it does look like Steph's about to claw Tim. Bwahahaha!
Which leads me to...I changed one of the pictures on the sidebar & added another one. Hahaha. *ENJOY!
& I like Amy Winehouse's stuff. =D
signing off, s.