i love it, she's a galactic avenger now.

Mar 24, 2007 19:11

'Did you park the TARDIS on a meter?'

AGH. So I'm working on my research paper & I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to fucking quote a transcript! Okay, well I know how, but fuck. Okay, I don't have page numbers, cause it's from an online source. So should I just do this?

THE DOCTOR. Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth ("Doomsday" Davies)

Or what?

BLAH. So I'm doing one part of "research" for my paper. I'm watching the episodes of Doctor Who I listed in my annotated bibliography, you know, for research's sake. Which is actually true, I'm listening out for quotes. Ooh lalaa.

So if anyone has good Rose-centric quotes from any of these episodes, let me know. Cause it would really help.

Rose, Father's Day, The Parting of the Ways, The Christmas Invasion, The Impossible Planet, The Satan Pit, Fear Her, Army of Ghosts, & Doomsday.

That, & I'm currently in love with Rodney McKay, or at least the perceptions of him in McKay/Cadman fics. Even though he is still written as snarky in those as he is in the actual scripts. *shrugs*

signing off, s.

the flist knows all, research paper blah!

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