(no subject)

Jun 16, 2013 12:07

Things are going...alright, I suppose. We're still alive and kicking, anyway. The situation we're in still isn't anywhere I want to be, but it's bearable most days. I'm still very grateful to Sha for taking us in, and hope he's not regretting allowing a couple of night owls and two squabbling children into his living space. :)

Let's see...since my last update we have purchased a minivan, bringing us a little bit closer to where I want us to be. Shane is in school, he's taking Summer term off, but he kinda fucked off this last term and managed to fail a class. I don't know how that's going to affect his financial aid, and it's making me really edgy. The term before, he took five classes and passed them all. This last term, he took three classes, failed one. He came close to failing a second, and the third I'm fairly sure he did well on. Not really sure what happened there, except for the fact that his gaming has ramped up a bit. I should have put my foot down on it, should have made him actually do the stuff he needed to. Problem is, I'm a little bit tired of having to ride herd on someone who is supposed to be an adult. I have to do it enough with the kids, I shouldn't have to police my partner as well.

Health-wise, some things are better and some are worse. My diabetes is back under a semblance of control, as is my blood pressure. Unfortunately I now have one big toe folding underneath my foot at random, and the other one is bleeding underneath the nail for no reason that I can find. When I talked to the doctor, he couldn't figure it out either...but as it's getting slightly worse, I need to get ahold of the office and get another exam done.

My second eye surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning - it's laser surgery. The first one wasn't, they reattached the retina in my blind eye. I -used- to at least be able to notice a bit of movement around the edges, that's not the case anymore. I'm pretty sure I'll never see out of that eye again. This of course makes this surgery on Monday a bit more nerve-wracking, since for a few hours I won't be able to see at all. Gods only know what vision I'll have long-term.

I still want very much to acquire and live in an RV. Being able to travel and take home with us would be nothing short of fantastic. Unfortunately, we'll have to come up with a source of income that will allow for it. I've been looking into some ideas, but with my vision being what it is I don't know if any of those ideas will pan out long-term.

We went to the coast on Wednesday, and stayed until Friday. On Friday, Mike took me to see Man of Steel, which was a fantastic movie. I was engrossed enough that I didn't recognize the actors for who they were, and didn't realize that almost three hours had passed. I'm hoping to be able to take Shane to see it on Tuesday, since all shows are $5 that day. It's definitely worth seeing in the theater.

Honestly, I think the biggest issue I'm having lately is that I want, rather desperately, to be living in a place that's my own again. I am tired of dancing around other people. I am tired of not being able to do my own grocery shopping (while I appreciate the system we have and think it's a good one, it's occasionally problematic when my body decides that no, the food in the house is NOT something it wants to eat). I'm tired of trying really hard to stay out of the way of everyone else and respect their personal space, only to NOT have that in return. When I am not here, the only reason anyone should be in here is to reset the router if it needs it. Every single time Shane, the girls and I go somewhere for more than a day, a certain person comes in here. Resetting the router is fine, using my room as a shortcut to get outside should really only be done when I'm here. Thing is, I'm generally pretty cool about it...until someone starts getting into my stuff or looking around the room. This last time it was finding a plate and bowl on Shane's desk, and taking them out to be washed. Before it's been taking pop from it's storage place in the closet, or commenting on how I need to clean said closet, or commenting on the general state of the room. Which, by the way, isn't in bad shape. Now, I'm not upset that the plate and bowl were taken out, not at all. That'd be kinda silly. What I AM upset about is the fact that 1) the person who did so got after Shane about it when they really shouldn't have even been IN here, and 2) that said person decided to tell another person in the house about it, including Shane's reaction to being chastised. It was over and done, what fucking reason would anyone have to do that other than spite? They also decided to put up a running commentary about what I did this week, which frankly is no one's business but my own. If I wanted to tell people, I would. It sometimes feels like every move I make is watched, judged and reported on...which is why I would love to be in my own place again. I miss privacy, personal space and the fact that in my own place I got laid a hell of a lot more than I do now. *grumbles* I'm a little twitchy about going to Seadog next month, Gods only know what sin we'll have committed while we're gone for five days...

The end of this week is going to be busy. We're spending time with Mike on Friday, getting some work on the van done and hopefully seeing what I can salvage of Arynna's baby stuff (if any) for a friend of mine who doesn't have a whole lot of resources for the baby she's having this winter. (*grumbles* Seems everyone is having babies lately, I'm envious. I miss babies.) Saturday night is my brother David's birthday bash, which is always an interesting time. I'll get to see family I haven't in a while. All of that gets scheduled around the lovely Kim's visit to the house this weekend, and the D&D game on Sunday. Guess I'd better get my rest in now, right? :P

Alright six-month or so bitchfest done for now. I've got a cane to sand down and oil, and a blanket to work on. :)
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