Life is Funny, Painful, and occasionally Awesome

Aug 23, 2010 21:17

Things are ... interesting.

College, being that it starts on September 8th, is my main priority. In trying to get everything figured out, I created a budget a couple weeks ago and began applying for loans. My budget: to pay for books for two semesters ($1000), insurance for a year on my car ($1960), a new computer - because mine just blue-screened and refuses to boot into Windows THANK YOU COMPUTER GODS, IT ONLY HAS MY ENTIRE LIFE ON IT FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU ($1000 refurbished), and parking and a little bit of gas/food/etc. money ($400), which averages about $4,000. I usually ask for $6,000 because there is ALWAYS a financial crisis around here, and it helps if someone has a little disposable income tucked away just in case.

Except I've been denied for my loan.


Citibank is the lender, and they've been loaning me money since I started school. Way back when in Freshman year (oh god 2007, why am I still in fucking college, I'm such a slack-ass), we applied to a ton of places - including Wells Fargo, the bank my family had used for 25+ years - and were denied. But not Citibank! They've been our saving grace these past four years.

But apparently not anymore.

I think it's my parent's worsening credit scores, and my mom thinks it's due to Obama's law that credit companies can't jack up rates all ridiculous and constantly change them, so they're not being as lenient with potential loan-holders. It doesn't really matter what the reason is. It's simply not happening this year.

Which I'm okay with.

The reason I'm being so flip and humorous about this is because ... it just doesn't worry me. I told Eric on Facebook I feel very zen about the whole thing. In fact, if by some clusterfuck I can't attend at all (the Financial Aid department at UWO is not generally my friend, so I'm on tenterhooks every year until school proper starts, just waiting for them to screw me somehow), I'll be okay with that. Shit happens, and if I can't do anything about it, there's no sense in whining and crying because that's not going to help. When shit goes down you make do. Simple as that.

Most important priority right now is finding a job - because in order to pay for books and parking this year, I'm going to have to dip into my little brother's car repair money. I need to replace what I take, make at least $500 before next semester for books, and about $2000 for insurance. That's about $3000 in total, not counting what I'll need for next year. Without any actual bills to pay (save $15 a month minimum on my JCP card), I feel like this is feasible. Assuming the job I get doesn't totally fuck me on gas - my car gets fairly decent gas mileage, but I don't use it very often in the summer, either. I guess we'll see when push comes to shove, yeah?

Second priority (probably simultaneous priority) is talking with a general advisor at school. My CS advisor is Georgiev, who to be perfectly honest doesn't do dick in any respect at that school, and also doesn't know anything about other departments. I need to speak with someone about job prospects, and my debt, and which avenue I should choose at this point. I can't be dicking around trying things out - the time for that passed, and instead of listening to myself, I listened to other people and now I just feel like I'm in this big, jumbled mess.

But I do see that light at the end of the tunnel. And that's what's important.

At this point, I think it's going to be Anthro/English and CS Minor, but we'll see what we decide when I talk to my advisor.



cwland, me and my problems, scholarly aptitude, chasm of suck, university, what-the-fuck seriously

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