Trailer Spotting

Aug 16, 2010 02:04

I like to frequent trailer_spot, because they tend to showcase trailers I never see on TV, or ones you only see if you watch a lot of movies in-theater. Some months, that's me, but mostly it's not.

A comment on the most recent trailers:

Love and Other Drugs
In theory, I like the idea, but most rom-coms, no matter how interesting sounding the plot may be, tend to devolve into predictability. Some people find that comforting, and more power to them, I suppose. What I like in a good rom-com (besides the obvious, obviously) is three-dimensional, interesting, humorous and sarcastic characters. Two of the more recent ones I liked were Definetly, Maybe and 27 Dresses for this reason: I enjoyed the characters. If I don't enjoy the characters, I'm not enjoying them getting together. (And to quell the comments on my Ryan Reynolds obsession: yes, I did see and enjoy The Proposal, but the plot felt like a complete rehash of - coincidentally - another Sandra Bullock rom-com While You Were Sleeping, which I loved.)

The Next Three Days; A Woman, a Gun, and a Noodle Shop; How Do You Know; and Enter the Void behind the cut.

The Next Three Days
I like that the film doesn't seem to be using the same tired, "My wife/husband/lover is convicted for murder, but they are totally innocent, spend the next two hours watching me prove it". However, this trailer also tries very hard to hammer in to the audience that the wife is innocent, because who wants to root for a murdering psycho?

Well, me.

I think if they took it to that extreme, the "My wife is convicted of killing a man, and she really did do it, but I love her and don't care so I'm busting her out of prison" would be an insanely fun movie. Very different. Very American mytho-history of Bonnie and Clyde.

A Woman, a Gun, and a Noodle Shop
I think Blood Simple is one of the only Coen brother's movies I've not had the pleasure of seeing, but I adore a Zhang Yimou movie, and the visuals look amazing on this. And there's humor! Humor seems to be less a thing in his sprawling period epics; for example, in Hero, which I loved, I don't remember any.

How Do You Know
Reese Witherspoon! I just saw Sweet Home Alabama again on TV a day or two ago and I was reminded of why I love her: she can play sweet and sassy and smart and confident and vulnerable all in the same role. Just like a real girl! (We exist, Hollywood, and we'd like more portrayals of us, kthnxbai.)

This looks like it has the potential to be funny, and I find all the characters interesting and amusing, though the sarcasm seems to be a bit on the low side. But it's got Jack Nicholson! In a rom-com! WHAT IS THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN???? I almost have to see it just for this reason. But ... probably when it's on TV. I don't think I've ever paid in a theater to see a rom-com SHUT UP TWILIGHT DOESN'T COUNT Sorry, producers!

On the other hand, it looks like it's a love triangle, wherein Guy One loves Girl, but Girl loves Guy Two who also loves Girl. Looks like it sucks to be Guy One. Just once I'd like to see Guy One loves Girl, Girl loves Guy Two, Guy Two loves Guy One. Or, even better: Girl One loves Girl Two, Girl Two loves Girl Three, Girl Three loves Girl One and possibly Girl Two.

There's a porno joke in there somewhere.

Enter the Void
I love me some independent films, and this looks insanely good. Amazing visuals, twisted story (also, a story with twists), elements of the supernatural ... what more do you want?

trailers, cinema

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