Quick Update ... and Meme

Apr 05, 2008 18:51

Sweeney Todd is so awesome - go see it immediately! The drag show was pretty cool, too. I wish I had brought a camera, because a lot of hilarious stuff happened that I wished I could have shared.

Meme lifted from spurnd!

o1 Go to www.photobucket.com (don't sign in)
o2 Type in your answer to the questions in the "search" box
o3 Use only the first page
o4 Copy the html and paste for the answer

Shace used Flikr for her photos, and they were so great, so I thought I would, too. :)
01. What is your name?

02. What is your current relationship status?

03. What is your favorite color?

04. What song are you listening to?

Worst Pies in London, specifically. :)

05. What color is your hair?

06. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

07. What is the name of the person that last commented on your journal?

Lol. thrdstrike?

08. What kind of phone do you have?

09. How old will you be turning this year?

10. What kind of car do you drive?

11. Where will your next vacation be taking place?

12. What is your favorite place on earth?

13. Where is your favorite place to shop?

14. Who is your celebrity crush?


15. What tv show do you miss the most?


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