Mar 01, 2009 00:00
I'm powerleveling at work. More accurately, the people who know more than I do are trying very hard to cram knowledge into my head before they leave. It's mostly working.
Today was... hard. There were lots of people working in the store, but I kept feeling like I was the only person in the goddamned place. One of them is a newbie, so she gets away with it. But I had the other lead and the manager in the store and I kept thinking to myself "Where the fuck is my staff? Why the hell do I have a counter full of people and no one else up here? I mean, I'm pretty awesome, but awesome has it's limits.
This reached a point where the smallest annoyance would drag cursewords at an audible volume out of me if I had the slightest inkling that no customers were around to hear them.
At one point, the other lead had me cut a mat that could only be described as 'very silly'. The margins were itty bitty, and required me to do it the Extra Hard Way™. I laid everything out, and then made my cut... and did it completely wrong. I promptly let out a string of swearing that could only be described as most impressive.
I stopped and took a moment -- shocked at my own use of vulgarity -- and let it sink in what I had just said. If this was a magic incantation, it would have had the power to reduce the strip-mall to an incandescent crater smoldering with pure hatred. I think I might have used all my swears for the entire year with that one short sentence.
I won't repeat it, save some being come down from on high and slap my knuckles with a ruler.