Nov 04, 2008 09:34
I don't believe in an administration that is always there to decide who I can marry and dictate my reproductive rights, but is nowhere to be found when its citizens need their help in real ways, like with health care, national disasters and economic hardships.
I don't believe in government that lies to its people about its motives for entering into an unjust and poorly planned war, fails for 7 years to capture the actual orchestrator of US attacks, and hides behind a mantra of "terror" to put oil rich countries in their pocket.
I believe in cleaner, sustainable energy, supported by leaders who have not made their fortunes on oil (Texas, Alaska...).
I believe in protecting our environment and government sanctioned wildlife preserves by not drilling in them for a non-renewable resource.
I respect all socioeconomic groups and don't blame poor working class families for the government's trillion dollar deficit (we have spent much more abroad on the war than we could ever hope to have spent at home, bettering the lives of our own people). I don't believe most people on welfare are there by choice. If my mother had not received government assistance (while still working full time) when my parents got divorced, we wouldn't have been able to make it. There are a shocking number of people in this country in similar situations.
I believe in higher education opportunities for all children, regardless of economic status, and work study programs to support them.
I believe in access to health care for all tax paying citizens (something not available to me through my employers) and affordable insurance.
I believe in ending the war in Iraq and bringing home the brave men and women who lay down their lives, or come back permanently damaged, mentally, physically or both (something I have seen firsthand with my own friends).
I believe that peace cannot be achieved through violence and hate. Violence and hate only begets more violence and hate.
I am tired of the government spending my money (and money it doesn't have) on a war that cannot be won.
I don't believe in trickle-down economics. The rich getting richer is not going to help the poor unless they hire them to scrub their toilets and mow their lawn.
I believe the US should not fraternize with communist countries that strip their citizens of basic human rights (i.e. China) and then turn around and call fair governing communist or socialist.
I want a leader who doesn't think "Country First" means "My Wallet First"
I believe taxes should be based on income. The poorest individuals will always stay that way if they are forced to pay the same taxes as the rich. The working class should not be punished for being so. They are the individuals that keep this country moving.
I believe we should be focusing on helping the devastated and poor areas of our own country before we think about imposing our democratic values on other nations who do not welcome our involvement.
I believe our military resources are financially and logistically over-stretched, so if there are real threats at home, we would not have the military power to defend ourselves.
I am not foolish enough to believe that just any woman in the White House is a good thing. And I am insulted that he GOP thinks I, as a woman, could be so easily placated. In fact, Sarah Palin in the White House (or God forbid, as President) would be a catastrophe 10,000 times worse than Bush could ever be. I would venture to say she is THE dumbest person in politics, and we CANNOT give her power.
I believe that America has to restore its place in the world as a benevolent force for peace, and not as a bully or aggressor that alienates its friends and allies.
Vote Obama '08. God Bless America.