Dec 15, 2005 22:49
Finish the sentences:
1) I am a(n)... christian
2) My ex-boy/girlfriend was... a long time ago.
3) I'm just a(n)... girl next door.
4) Maybe I should... pray more often.
5) I love... my friends.
6) ___Half mexicans___ are cute
7) Looking for... the right guy.
8) I don't understand... why there is so much hate in the world
9) I lost my... best friend a few years back.
10) My boy/girlfriend is non-exsistent at the moment
11) In darkness, I... reflect on my life.
12) Why do I... feel empty so often?
13) Is there such a thing as... your soul mate?
14) Does the... perfect guy exsist for me?
15) People say I'm... so good?!?!
16) Love is... something I'm looking forward to.
17) You make me wanna... smile.
18) Somewhere, someone is... being saved.
19) Is it true that... God will provide the person your supoosed to be with?
20) I will always... place God above all else.
21) Forever is... eternity with God.
22) I never want to... change who I am and who I have become.