Personal Update Later.... too much to write at the moment...

Jul 06, 2007 10:08

Dear Mr. Moore,

I hope that my email finds its way to you personally, as I would like to thank you for making your latest documentary, "Sicko."

I viewed "Sicko" yesterday, July 4, 2007 in Atlanta, Georgia as part of my "Independence Day Celebrations."
I must admit, I am very glad I made the decision to stray from poolside. For the first time in a very long time, I feel compelled to delve into the political arena and begin a fight against a machine that we too often feel has become too large to dismantle.

I viewed "F911" well past the time it made its rumbling roar in the box office. I believe it was about a year and a half ago that I finally decided to view your documentary on a pay-per-view service from my cable provider. After a long span of political apathy, it was quite a large bite to chew. While it was a fascinating presentation of facts and personal perspective, it did not stir me in the way that your most recent film has. I truly believe that you have reached me, and will reach far many more people than ever before, as a result of dissecting an oppression that does not stalk along political, religious or socio-economic trails. Even in the eyes of the politically-defunct, socially-jaded, economic-elite or universally-naieve, it is so clear that it stalks us all; this greed that now robs us of our fundamental health and well-being. You have snagged the common thread for a potential revolutionary awakening in this country.

Thank you for, above all, being the humanitarian that you are.

I realize that you are overwhelmed with responses, but it is my greatest hope that I may receive a return email from you.
As a "holistic/alternative" healthcare practitioner (Licensed Massage and Certified Neuromuscular Therapist) who personally depends on the standard medical model to combat personal health issues, I find myself suffering at the hands of insurance companies who are denying me access to "mainstream" practices that could allow me to improve my personal health- therefore in part thwarting my contributions to the betterment of society by offering my knowledge and skilled expertise. The plight to establish a credible "holistic" medical model in our country is certainly a vain effort without taking great measures to correct what currently lies in the conditioned minds of the masses as to what constitutes "sound and quality healthcare" and the access thereof. If you are interested in speaking with me further, I would be greatly honored. I will remain hopeful to share with you my personal story in battling private insurance to obtain rights to health, and hopefully you might be able to provide me with some insight or advice on how to make my ammunition more effective. If for some reason, this is not possible, please accept my most sincere thanks for making this film and for nudging me out of my apathetic slumber.

Also, please know that I have sent a bulletin to my personal email and "friends" lists urging everyone to see "Sicko." I have expressed to them that after viewing your latest film (even if they have decided they don't care for Michael Moore) that if they don't learn something or feel compelled to become involved in reform for United States healthcare in some way, that I will gladly reimburse them for their theater ticket.

With great respect and sincere appreciation for your efforts,
Hollie Cope, LMT/CNMT
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