Without wishing to put down your epiphany... if you haven't already it may be worth sitting down with your parents and going 'guys I know this is already a crazy touchy subject, but this is how I've been feeling what do you think?'. Because... while financially supporting your parents is good, of course, your parents may be the sort to want you to be going out there and doing your own thing. I've lent my parents a lot of money and it was by tooth and nail that I had to force down the interest they felt they owed me to a minimum; many parents will prefer their kids get out there into the world without feeling held back. Your plan is a perfectly acceptable one but your parents should want you to help as well as you wanting to help, otherwise you run the risk of their getting upset over your feeling obligated, and you getting upset because they seem upset, and then lol vicious circle. Make sure you're meeting at both ends.
I don't know the extent of their bills, but have they tried consolidation repayment plans? Practically every collection agency under the sun will be happy to sort you out a long-term deal, and if you and your parents are all sorted for work you can each contribute towards the monthly payments without it as seriously impacting life and income.
DID THAT. Mom thinks it's a fine idea and was touched. Dad would be grumpy, but everything makes him grumpy these days. And then we had a ridiculous talk about winning the lotto and building a house with an indoor pool and cool walkways and stuff.
I'm not sure if they've tried that or not yet, but I'll bring it up next time the subject comes up. |Db
I don't know the extent of their bills, but have they tried consolidation repayment plans? Practically every collection agency under the sun will be happy to sort you out a long-term deal, and if you and your parents are all sorted for work you can each contribute towards the monthly payments without it as seriously impacting life and income.
I'm not sure if they've tried that or not yet, but I'll bring it up next time the subject comes up. |Db
It might be worth it. It means that your month-by-month income may be lower but not having to liquidate chunks of savings does wonders for the ego.
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