I learnt something valuable last night.
It might sound as cliche as it is, but its true.
That friends come and go in our lives, but true friends will remain forever.
We might have travelled to different countries, met new people,
saw new things, experience a different lifestyle,
maybe even drifted apart..
We don't have to talk to each other everyday,
we might even see each other only a handful of times each year.
But you just know it when you feel all comfortable and close again,
the moment you reunite.
When you are in the same wavelengths, laugh over the same thing,
sometimes its as if we read each other's mind across the dinner table..
When you are so close, you can be honest to each other,
even when it comes to mocking and insulting..
When you've shared too many memories, happy and embarrassing moments,
even the deepest darkest secrets..
When subconsciously you become too protective over someone,
or cry too easily when you part.
When it has just come to a point where you just don't judge,
yet you can fully accept and love someone..
This is what i mean friendship.