4 Serialised Drabbles: Scandalous! [Sanctuary | PG | Helen Magnus, ensemble]

Jul 31, 2012 19:10

Title: Scandalous.
Author: jinxed_wood
Word Count: 4 X 100
Characters: Helen Magnus, James Watson, John Druitt, Nikola Tesla, Gregory Magnus
Challenge: #2 - University
Team: Team Old City
Rating: PG
Summary: Helen Magnus fully intended to enjoy Oxford!



Helen Magnus recalled with perfect clarity her first day at Oxford, down to the way she styled her hair and worn her gloves. Those were memories tinged with sadness as well as joy, as she remembered her proud father’s reaction to her ‘scarlet’ dress, which was in reality a deep jewelled burgundy. Her father was strangely old fashioned in some ways and thought that ladies should only wear dove grey or sensible brown or mournful black. Colour was for the night.

A scandalous dress only attracted scandalous men, her father had warned. And she had only hoped it were true!


That evening, she'd brought home her first fellow student. It had been James, and that was the only mercy. A gentleman called, he did not hitch a ride in the lady’s cab, and father was not amused, but it didn’t take James long to win him over with his intellect and interest in medicine, and Helen was delightfully surprised when he decided James merited an invitation to visit again.

It was perhaps for the best her father didn’t witness the kiss James stole when she handed him his hat and cane, or the promises he’d subsequently whispered in her ear.


She was at Oxford a month when she brought home the rather eccentric Serbian she had found in the chemistry lab. In hindsight, this was perhaps not her best move. Nikola was brilliant and bright and never, ever boring, but he was also abrasively direct and dismissive of British manners. He eyed the tea disdainfully and peered suspiciously at the filling in the sandwiches.

“I suppose he’s clever?” his father had asked wryly, after he’d left.

“I think he may actually be a genius,” Helen admitted.

He was also an excellent kisser, but her father didn’t need to know that.


Helen suspected her father knew John was the one before even she did. The meal was quiet and restrained, the conversation polite and bland, and John left without a promise to meet again. She was stricken.

Her father had sighed. “Don’t worry, my dear, he’s just shy. I know a man in love when I see him.”

Startled, Helen had looked at him. “How do you know?”

He shrugged, before saying sternly. “I don’t think he’s the sort to take kindly to sharing, so no more midnight trysts with James and Nikola!”

Helen let out a surprised laugh.

The End

fanfiction, sanctuary

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