Doctor Who reaction post: 5X10

Jun 07, 2010 00:02

I loved this episode. Love, LOVE, LOVE.

The Doctor trying to bring Amy to all the happy, trouble free places, in an effort to make up for Rory, and Amy copping on that something I wrong - but not knowing

The Doctor on Van Gogh's work: Carving the colours into shapes. Lovely. As well as the bow tie moment with Bill Nighy Dr Black

And the Doctor and Amy meet Vincent Van Gogh! YAY!

Although, when Amy bought Vincent the bottle of wine, the little voice in the back of my
head went, why yes, let's buy the alcoholic a drink...

But Amy's reaction as she walked into Vincent's house was wonderful.

Invisible monster is INVISIBLE!!!!

Vincent scraping over a picture to paint an image of the monster - the Doctor's expression was priceless.

And the Doctor's present from his Godmother (or the Gallifreyan equivalent, I suppose) who had bad breath - twice!

Amy sitting in the middle of sunflowers she'd bought, laying on the hint with a trowel
- I think we can all guess which painting is Amy's favourite! (I need an icon!)

Vincent picking up on how sad Amy was, despite her not remembering Rory, and the look
on the Doctor's face as he walks behind him....oh, Doctor.

The Doctor waiting for the monster as Vincent paints: Is this how time normally
passes? Really slowly. In the right order.

The Doctor, on how he hopes to overcome the angry alien by himself: Over confidence,
this (slaps case) and a screwdriver.

After he runs off:

Vincent: Will you follow him?

Amy: Of course.

Vincent: I love you.

And so Amy chases the Doctor, and Vincent chases Amy and rescues the both of them from a nasty death in a chomped up confession box.

Doctor: [Waves screwdriver] Anything?

Vincent: Nothing. In fact, he seems to rather enjoy it.

Doctor: Oooh

And Vincent slays the dragon angry alien with the pointy end of his easel [*Eyes easel in the corner of the room dubiously* I never realised I owned such a
deadly weapon :-P)

And the angry alien was really a blind and confused alien (if still rather dangerous) -

Oh my, the Doctor, Amy and Van Gogh holding hands while lying on the ground, looking at the starry sky, and then the Doctor taking Vincent to the Musee d'Orsay , in 2010, to see his work being exhibited. Completely crackers, but completely AWESOME!!!

And now they're leaving again, this time for real...

Amy: [To Vincent] I'm not really the marrying kind.

Oh, so sad!

And Amy was so sure their trip would make a difference to Vincent's life, and her expression was so sad when she realised he still committed suicide at the age of thirty seven.

The Doctor: Every life is a pile of good things and bad thing. The good things
don't always soften the bad things but, vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily
spoil the pile of good things, or make them unimportant, and we definitely added to his
pile of good things.

And the sunflower ending...

I admit it, I teared up a bit.


In short, I loved this episode, and I love how it didn't white wash over Vincent's condition. More of these kind of episodes, pretty please?
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