Sun, 20:54: RT @ MediocreDave: If you want the gross hypocrisy of the politicians marching made explicit, this person's done the leg work.…
Sat, 15:07: RT @ LeeJasper: Most white people are not racist but until they recognise and destroy white supremacy they must be held responsible http://t…
Sat, 10:47: RT @ NHAparty: We said this would happen. Circle bailed just hours before 1st ever 'inadequate care' rating for a hospital.…
Fri, 08:56: RT @ KurtBusiek: If anything clearly shows me extremism is the problem, not religion, it's that I got death threats aimed at my kids when Su…
Sat, 15:13: RT @ AfroMadu: Underwater sculpture in Grenada, West Indies dedicated to the Africans who didn't survive the middle passage. #Umojahttp://t…
Fri, 08:48: RT @ tortipede: So farewell, then, @ myhermes I only followed you in the hope you'd find my parcel But you never admitted losing it Just blam…