OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU JINJIN!!!!!!!!! thank you for making my heart dokidoki, for making me laugh out loud for your baka-ness, for making me drool over your sexiness, for making me flail for your stares, for making me go KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ EVERYDAY!!!! \(^o^)/
In honor of JIN's24th birthday and somehow a way of celebrating it with you fellow jin fans, i decided to create 24 wallpapers for everyone!!!!!! i hope you like them!!!!! just go ahead and take 'em!!!! ^^ hope you'll comment and tell me what you think..
credits: (sorry, i'lljust list them for now...) babliz,lifeisdolce, mixmin199, sanami276, urbanstrokes,kiho_chan,piemin,fotologic,samelthecamel,chaoticfae,crazykira,skeletonn,abernathi,everyone who shares kat-tun scans..
sorry...i forgot some...if youown any of the textures and pictures i use.. pls tell me so i can credit you.. thank you!!!! ^^