Oct 04, 2009 15:18
Inspired by realizing that one of my favorite doujinshi circles is a huge fan of musicals:
I look back to things I wrote when I was 12 years old... And I'm still looking for the same things now. -- Short Bus (as quoted by Kaburaza)
I think that's true in my case, though not necessarily as depressingly as it was used in the musical. The things I was after at age twelve - adventure, power, the ability to make a difference, wanting people to notice me when I walked into a room, wanting to be someone who mattered... A lot of those things are the same. I still want to be someone who changes things.
I'm still looking for the same things: days where the sky is so blue it hurts to look at; a kitty to curl up in my lap; someone who'll believe in me, who'll see the mountain and be just as excited as I am to climb the damn thing for no other reason than that's what mountains are there for; people who'll look at the world and see what I see and care. I'm still looking for that day, for that moment, that makes all the others worthwhile. I want those fall days in Kyoto. I want to stand with someone I love under the apple blossoms, and have my parents be proud of me. I want to climb to the peak, throw my arms out and laugh for the sheer joy of it. I want to scream "I'm here" out to the world and have the world listen, and be happy for it.
I want to drink and dance and I don't care if I make mistakes, because I will and I'll deal with them. Regret is a waste of time. There's too much out there to make it worth my while. I want to live every second of every day. I want a passionate, spinning, shining existence.
And I'll have it. Because I refuse to settle for anything less.
take that world!