Ships I Ship... Fandoms I Write.

Jun 26, 2006 11:44

As many of you know, I am prolific and varied when it comes to what I'll watch, what I'll write....

But there's a whole host of you that are new to me. *grin*

So...for your edification. A list of everything you may possibly see me write/ever written...etc.

If I miss some, jump in and let me know.

Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Within these two series I have written ships that vary from Willow/Angel and Willow/Spike... all the way to Willow/Spike/Angel/Cordelia and Willow/Spike/Angel/Xander. In fact, put Willow in the mix and there aren't too many fics I haven't written. I am a Willow 'shipper at heart. Always have been and always will be, even if I rarely touch "pure" BtVS/AtS fic anymore. I also love Xander. Serious Xander-love.

Harry Potter
I mainly 'ship crossovers when it comes to Harry Potter. But, when it comes to purity... let me just fly my HG/SS and DM/GW flags high and proud, shall I?

Again, a show that I mostly crossover with BtVS/AtS.... but if I was throwing down on a 'shippery side, it would be Amanda/Duncan. Of course, Methos and Richie are great characters when it comes to crossovers. Not so much with the Duncan love that often in crossovers.

Simon/Kaylee, but of course! I prefer to do crossovers with Kaylee/Xander, though. I love Jayne, but I rarely focus on him in fanfics.

Heh. I hate Candy. I hate anything with Tess. I'm not much of a Dreamer, either. But when you get to other 'ships.... I *am* a Stargazer... I *am* an Awakened Dreamer... I **AM** a Polarist... the list goes on and on.

Dark Angel
I **HEART** Alec.
'Nuff said.

I really need to watch the second half of the season... but let me just say that Dean is the bestest.

I haven't watched much of the later seasons, but I do 'ship the following things from time to time:
Chlex (that's Chloe/Lex for the uninformed)
And...yeah, that's about it.

I couldn't be more of a Phoebe/Cole 'shipper if I tried. Seriously. "Dark Clouds May Hang" is up there for fics that I want to finish just because of the eventual 'shipperness of it.

West Wing
I am a Josh/Donna 'shipper for life.

Stargate: SG1
I stopped watching after s7... but there are some 'ships that will always hold my heart. First off - I love the Spacemonkey. Daniel Jackson is the best. Nerd and hot all at the same time. Completely f'ing yummy.
I loved Daniel/Janet as a 'ship (SOBS). I also loved Daniel/Sha're (sp?).... Sam/Martouf. Sam/Jack.
That's it.

Stargate: Atlantis
I haven't shipped anything from this series, to be honest. Doesn't mean I won't. I'm all caught up on s2 and waiting for the next one to start, now.

I've barely seen any of this show - but I've seen enough to know that I ship Crichton/Aeryn. Everyone be afraid if I decide to start writing Farscape fic, mmmkay?

Love the show, doubt I'll ever write anything other than crossovers for it, though.

I'm a newfound lover of Azazeal. *cuddles the wicked fallen angel* Prepare for some serious fics in the future once s1 finishes airing in the U.S.

Doctor Who
The Ninth Doctor is *my* Doctor. I adore him more than Ten. No offense, Ten fans. That being said, I love Ten, too. I gladly and willing ship Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, Jack/Rose, Jack/Ten/Rose, Jack/Nine/Rose, Rose/Sonic, Jack/Sonic, Doctor/Sonic, Rose/Jack/Doctor/Sonic, Rose/Rose/Doctor, Doctor/Doctor/Rose... and you get the point, right?

Movie 'verse ONLY.
I ship Marie/Logan.

Battlestar Galactica
Haven't dabbled here yet...but when I do it'll be Starbuck/Apollo for teh win.

Forever Knight
Nick and Nat. 'Nuff said. I haven't written any of these, but there's always the possibility.

Kindred the Embraced
Cash/Sasha, Frank/Sasha, Frank/Alexandra, Julian/Caitlyn

Lois and Clark: TNAoS
Um... Lois/Clark, of course.

Mutant X
Shal/Brennan, Brennan/Emma

Veronica Mars
LoVe, all the way, baby!

Crossovers, Misc.
I love to cross things over with BtVS/AtS. I've done some whacked one-offs, over the course of my 'career' in fanfic writing. *snicker* Check out my profile at (Jinni) for more info on all that.

Did I miss anything, guys?

Yep - forgot

I'm only up to halfway through s3... so I've got a ways to go. But I love Dr. Carter. Seriously. I also love Dr. Ross. *grin* Of course. Anyway... no fanfic in that sector yet... but you never know.
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