Forgive Me: Onew/Key; NC-17, part 2

Jan 21, 2012 23:13

Title: Forgive Me
Author: mimi_oly
Rating: NC-17 (for theme, explicit sexual content)
Pairing/Focus: Onew/Key
Squick/trigger warnings: Issues of consent and control relating to sex.

* * * * *
Part 2

Kibum made quick work of relieving Jinki of his T-shirt and sweatpants.

“You didn’t give me the chance to appreciate all of this last night,” Kibum whined, pretending to be put out. Kibum ran his hands up Jinki’s sturdy arms and down his toned chest, tracing the lean but powerful muscles covered in smooth, pale flesh. Jinki rested his hands on Kibum’s shoulders and willingly let himself be groped by soft, agile hands.

Kibum ran his hands up Jinki’s back and was startled to feel the long, narrow welts. He spun his pliant lover around and saw his own fingernail marks marring Jinki’s otherwise clear, ivory skin.

“Gawd, hyung, did I do that?” Kibum asked, horrified. “I’m so sorry.”

“I didn’t even notice until this morning,” Jinki admitted with a shrug.

“Holy shit,” Kibum added, examining the welts. “Does it hurt?”

“It stung a little when I showered this morning, but I’m fine now,” Jinki said, turning back to face Kibum. “Forget about it, okay?” he added with a nuzzle to Kibum’s neck.

“I guess I got carried away,” Kibum tried to apologize. “Last night was … pretty intense.”

“This is pretty intense,” Jinki countered when Kibum’s tongue flicked at his erect, chocolate-colored nipple. Then there was a palm on his crotch, torturing him with firm pressure against his hardening length. The next thing he knew, Kibum had him pinned against the wall and was kissing him fiercely while performing what felt like the choreography for “Señorita” against his groin.

Jinki tried unsuccessfully to stifle the obscene sound that erupted when Kibum went for his neck.

“Don’t hold back, I wanna hear you,” Kibum ordered.

“Jagiya, please don’t stop,” Jinki pleaded. “You feel so good.”

Kibum continued ravishing Jinki with his mouth. “Did you really mean what you said before? Anything I want?” Kibum whispered, nibbling Jinki’s ear.

“Anything, Jagiya,” Jinki groaned, feeling Kibum’s hardness against his solid thigh.

Kibum was torn: where to begin? The night before, they’d skipped straight to dessert. Kibum decided that tonight, they’d enjoy a full multicourse feast.

“Maybe,” Kibum suggested playfully, “what I want right now … is for me to do things to you.” He emphasized his point by grabbing a handful of Jinki’s firm butt.

An image of Kibum smacking his ass as he mercilessly fucked Jinki into the mattress briefly flashed through Jinki’s mind. He supposed he deserved whatever he had coming - he was still angry with himself for acting like a brute the night before.

Kibum felt Jinki tense up.

“Hyung,” he said gently, pulling away slightly.

“Jagiya?” Jinki was surprised by Kibum’s sudden change in tone.

“Seriously,” Kibum smiled sweetly, “I don’t want you to do anything that feels weird to you, okay?”

“Whatever you say, Jagiya,” Jinki returned Kibum’s smile.

“C’mon, I’m serious,” Kibum lightly slapped Jinki’s shoulder. “If what I want isn’t what you want, you need to tell me, all right?”

“Kibummie,” Jinki looked Kibum dead in the eye and slid his hands into Kibum’s, lacing their fingers together, “after last night, can you possibly doubt how much I want to be with you?”

Kibum felt the heat rising in his cheeks. “Okay,” he nodded. “But remember how bad you felt this morning? Don’t put me in that same position.”

Kibum had made his point. “You’re absolutely right,” Jinki agreed. “I’m sure we can compromise if you get too wild for me,” he joked.

“I like the way you think,” Kibum confided with a gleam in his eye. “So … let’s skip straight to the crazy stuff.”

Jinki’s eyebrows registered his surprise.

“I’m kidding!” Kibum smacked Jinki in the shoulder again. “Wash my back?” he added innocently as he peeled off his T-shirt.

Making no effort to disguise the fact that he was admiring Kibum’s slender frame, Jinki sarcastically joked, “I don’t know, that sounds pretty kinky.”

“It is if you do it right,” Kibum fired back. He locked his eyes on Jinki’s before hooking his thumbs into his waistband, seductively wiggling his hips free of his sweatpants to reveal tiny, neon-green briefs that weren’t up to the task of containing his erection.

“Fuck,” breathed Jinki.

“Eventually,” Kibum smirked. “But how ‘bout we get you out of those ugly gray drawers first?”

“Hey, these are comfortable!” Jinki responded with a defensive pout.

“You wanna keep them on?” Kibum asked with an arched eyebrow, stepping back into Jinki’s personal space.

“That’s not what I meant,” Jinki shook his head as Kibum slid his hands under the stretchy cotton fabric to fully cup Jinki’s ass.

Kibum pressed his hips against Jinki’s for a moment, and then slid his hand around to grasp Jinki’s hot length.

“Ki-Jagiya,” Jinki stuttered. Kibum was wonderfully unpredictable, and Jinki could hardly keep up with him. An hour earlier, Jinki had been willing to sleep in the train station to make up for his imagined crime, but now Kibum was treating him like a treasured pet.

“Lemme hear you,” Kibum breathed into his neck.

Jinki let himself relax into Kibum’s touch, his sighs escaping in time to Kibum’s rhythmic pumping.

“Are you close?” Kibum whispered.

“Getting there,” Jinki choked out.

“Do you want me to finish you?” Kibum offered.

“I thought … this was … your show,” Jinki’s strangled voice managed to grunt.

Kibum decided on the spot that he’d rather have a desperate Jinki than a sated Jinki.

“Good point,” Kibum commented. He gave Jinki a parting squeeze, and then extracted his hand. “You still need to get rid of those,” he added with a glance at Jinki’s drab trunks.

“You’re the boss, Jagiya,” Jinki said, unceremoniously stripping as he tried to catch his breath, delighting in their game despite his current state of frustration.

“Yeah,” Kibum agreed. He took a moment to admire Jinki’s well-formed physique in all its erect glory. “So why don’t you get the water warmed up.”

Jinki quickly complied, glancing over his shoulder just in time to catch Kibum starting to push off his own underwear.

“Wait,” Jinki called out over the roar of the water, reaching toward Kibum. “Can I?”

The corner of Kibum’s mouth twitched into a mischievous grin. “Come here.”

Jinki shut off the water and hurried to press his body against Kibum’s nearly naked figure. He traced Kibum’s collarbone with his agile tongue before trailing all the way down to the shiny silver waistband slung low on Kibum’s hips, encircling him like a wrapped gift. “Should I?” he asked.

It hadn’t occurred to Kibum that Jinki would be so willing to offer that kind of attention, so he was taken by surprise when Jinki dropped to his knees.

“Only if you want-“ Kibum was cut off by the press of Jinki’s thick lips against his erection. He could feel the welcome heat from Jinki’s breath through the silky, thin fabric.

Jinki nudged Kibum back toward the sink so that Kibum could brace himself, and then slowly inched Kibum’s snug underwear down his thighs. He paused to nose at Kibum’s groin, inhaling his musky scent. He gave Kibum a few quick flicks of his tongue before engulfing Kibum’s length in his warm mouth.

Kibum cried out in startled pleasure and couldn’t help the controlling hand that tangled itself in Jinki’s hair. Jinki took a no-nonsense approach and deliberately and purposefully bobbed his head in time with Kibum’s shallow thrusting, occasionally twirling his tongue or adding suction, having to rely on his imagination for what might feel good for the other man. He barely had time to appreciate how artfully Kibum kept himself trimmed when Kibum’s pace became erratic.

“Jinki, you don’t have to … dammit, I’m gonna - “ Kibum gasped loudly as he convulsed awkwardly between Jinki and the sink. His knees went soft; Jinki pulled him down into his lap.

Jinki beamed against Kibum’s hair as he cuddled his contented, limp body. Apart from the genuine affection he felt for Kibum, there was the smug pride of having brought him so quickly and efficiently to climax. Kibum’s satisfied moans and a chuckled “fuck yeah” helped assuage his guilt from the night before. He felt redeemed.

“Was it okay?” Jinki murmured quietly into Kibum’s ear.

“’Okay?’” Kibum groaned incredulously. “Try, ‘amazing,’ ‘spectacular,’ ‘mind-blowing.‘ “

Jinki’s eyes disappeared into his bright smile.

“It was just … too good,” Kibum sighed ruefully, turning in Jinki’s arms to face him. “I can’t believe I came so fast.”

“Jagiya,” Jinki squeezed Kibum, “I wanted to make you feel good.”

Kibum glanced down to his surprisingly tidy, barely damp crotch. “You swallowed?” he asked, astonished.

“Was I not supposed to?”

“Shit,” Kibum mused. “That is so hot. Who taught you … wait, do I wanna know?”

“I never … I mean, I just did what I thought would, you know,” Jinki smiled sheepishly.

“Damn,” Kibum gazed at Jinki with appreciation.

“Have you ever tried … ?” Jinki asked shyly, glancing down at their laps.

“Uh-uh,” Kibum shook his head. It seemed to be the right time to ask the question that had been burning a hole in his brain since the previous night. “So, uh, last night,” he mumbled. “How did you know how - “

“Jonghyun showed me this porno one time,” Jinki blurted out, eager to dispel any notion Kibum might have that Jinki was some sort of Casanova who had slept his way through their management company.

“Well, someday I suppose I’ll have to thank our resident pervert for that.” Kibum responded mischievously. “I guess his dirty little habit has its higher purpose after all.”

“So, before last night, had you … ?” Jinki timidly coaxed, not entirely sure he wanted to know the truth.

“Never,” Kibum answered definitively. “That was -- you’re my first,” he added quietly.

“Wow,” Jinki breathed, somewhat reverently. He’d never presumed to know all of Kibum’s secrets, and had always figured that the younger man possessed sexual knowledge beyond Jinki’s rather limited experience (which mostly consisted of drunken, but sweet kisses stolen by a certain noona sunbae at company parties).

“So we sorta … lost our virginity together,” Jinki concluded.

“Yeah,” Kibum nodded, appreciating the significance of the situation. “Cool.”

Jinki came out of his haze and realized that he was still entwined with a very naked Kibum on the bathroom floor.

“Jagiya, do you still want me to wash your back?” Jinki cooed into Kibum’s ear.

After such a pleasant distraction, Kibum had briefly forgotten about his ulterior motive for bringing Jinki into the bathroom.

“Right. Shower,” Kibum nodded. He untangled himself from Jinki’s lap, and then extended a hand down to help Jinki up from the floor.

Back on track, thought Kibum as they doused themselves in the warm water.

“Here, use this,” he instructed, handing Jinki his favorite mango-scented cleansing oil.

“Pass me your Italy towel?” Jinki offered.

“Nah, just use your hands. It doesn’t really foam up.”

Kibum shivered when he felt Jinki drizzle a line of oil across his shoulders.

“That’s right, just rub it in.” Kibum let out groan of pleasure when Jinki’s strong hands began to work their magic on his shoulders. “That’s it,” he encouraged.

Kibum braced himself against the wall so that he could withstand Jinki’s firm kneading. “Oh yeah, like that,” he moaned. He pushed back into Jinki’s hands. “Lower,” he commanded with a grunt.

Jinki’s hands moved lower.

“Lower,” Kibum repeated a minute later.

Jinki moved his hands to Kibum’s slim waistline.


“Jagiya, I’m running out of back to wash,” Jinki teased.

“No you’re not,” Kibum countered with a shameless wiggle of his ass. “Here,” he added, thrusting the bottle of oil back at Jinki. “Get me all clean.”

Speechless, Jinki did as he was told. He upended the bottle and let a generous amount of oil run down Kibum’s crack.

“Good,” Kibum encouraged. “Now, rub it all in.”

Jinki slowly traced the cleft up and down, over and over, stroking lightly between the pert globes of Kibum’s ass.

“C’mon, lower,” Kibum complained, bending over a bit farther.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Jinki worried aloud.

“You’re doing fine,” Kibum reassured him. “Keep doing what you’re doing … just … lower.”

Again, Jinki obeyed, at last reaching the twitching opening.

“There,” Kibum moaned. “That. Keep doing that.”

Jinki gently swirled the oil around and around to the accompaniment of Kibum’s breathless, halting gasps.

“Jin-keeeeee,” Kibum finally keened, “take me to bed.”

“As you wish, Jagiya,” Jinki’s hot breath puffed against Kibum’s nape. He thoroughly rinsed them both before bundling Kibum into a fluffy towel, not bothering to dry himself before sweeping Kibum up and carrying him to his bed.

Jinki carefully laid Kibum out on the bed before slowly, seductively peeling the towel away, unwrapping the trembling, impatient man like a gift.

“Touch me,” Kibum begged from his back, bringing his own hand to clutch his revived erection.

“Here?” Jinki placed his hand over Kibum’s.

“Everywhere,” Kibum squirmed. “Use your hands, your mouth … I wanna feel you all over me.”

“Is that an engraved invitation?” Jinki prompted, breathing heavily into Kibum’s neck from where he hovered above. He was still eager to play along with Kibum’s game and wanted there to be no question about getting the green light.

“Just hurry up and take me,” Kibum groaned. “Like last night, only … not so rushed. Don’t skip over any of the good stuff.”

“I can do that,” Jinki acknowledged with a nip to the sensitive tendon on Kibum’s elegant, pale neck.

Jinki nudged Kibum’s hand away and brought his hips down to frot against the man beneath him.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” groaned Kibum, glancing down to watch the meeting of their shafts, and thrusting up to mirror Jinki’s pace.

Jinki’s plush lips caressed every bit of smooth, tender skin he could reach without breaking the rhythm of their hips.

“I’m not a delicate flower,” Kibum protested mildly after enjoying Jinki’s gentle attentions for a few minutes.

“What?” Jinki paused, confused.

Kibum responded by wrapping one hand tightly around their dripping cocks, and savagely grabbing a handful of Jinki’s ass with the other.

“So, you like it rough?” Jinki growled, struggling to move within Kibum’s firm grip.

“Oh gawd yes,” he acknowledged, pleading.

Jinki didn’t waste any time, and set to work with teeth and strong hands. He pinned Kibum firmly beneath him and ground down hard against him. He left a rosy mark at the base of Kibum’s throat before moving down to gnaw and tongue indecently at his nipples.

Kibum hissed and moaned as Jinki’s perfect mouth moved ever lower down his body. Jinki found the hairless patch of skin on Kibum’s downy inner thigh and sucked hard until Kibum cried out.

“Do you want me to stop?” Jinki asked, fairly sure of the answer, but still playing the role of penitent servant.

Kibum shook his head. Jinki admired the mark he’d left on Kibum’s thigh and moved on to nibble Kibum’s ankle.

“Jagiya, I want to hear you say the words. I need to know you really want it,” he encouraged.

Kibum just yelped helplessly as Jinki tongued the back of his knee.

“Remember what you said? I can only have what you give me. You have to tell me what you want.”

It’s now or never, Kibum thought, desperately hoping the man who was currently kissing and massaging his foot was truly willing to do as he asked.

“Jinki,” Kibum whined pitifully, “if it’s not too crazy -- ”

“Anything for you, Jagiya,” Jinki responded, his voice low and dark, making Kibum even more eager for his touch.

“Did you wash me really well?” Kibum all but croaked.

“Of course,” Jinki answered, anticipating Kibum’s request with a surge of heat to his groin.

“Then … use your tongue … down there,” Kibum begged, his voice trembling, not sure if he was more nervous that Jinki would refuse … or comply.

“Please,” Kibum implored. That was when Jinki realized that Kibum had either given up or simply lost control of their game. With one word, he had handed himself over to Jinki’s care, trusting that the older man would continue pretending to follow orders.

Without another thought, Jinki manhandled Kibum onto his stomach, tucking pillows under his chest and pulling his hips toward the ceiling.

“Get comfortable, Jagiya, we might be here a while,” Jinki smirked. He took his place along-side Kibum’s calves and engulfed Kibum’s ass with both hands.

Kibum was panting expectantly when he felt Jinki stroke his opening with a finger, followed by his hot, wet tongue. The sensation was completely overwhelming and beyond what he had hoped. Kibum had imagined the delicious slick heat, but he hadn’t anticipated his response to the texture of Jinki’s tongue or the changes in pressure against this most intimate part of his anatomy as his lover licked and prodded him.

Jinki was encouraged by Kibum’s whimpered, incoherent curses and prayers. He could see Kibum’s frantic clutching at the pillows. His tongue continued to circle and poke at the puckered flesh while Kibum cried out and trembled uncontrollably.

At last, Kibum’s moaning became intelligible. “I need you,” he grunted. “I need to feel you inside me.”

“Tell me-“

“The lube … the drawer,” Kibum flailed his hand toward the nightstand between their beds.

Jinki stretched over and easily found the small bottle full of precious fluid.

“How do I-“

“One finger … slow … lotsa lube,” Kibum instructed, begging.

Jinki upended the bottle over Kibum’s crack and into his hand. He could feel Kibum pressing back against him, but just before he breeched the first ring of muscle, Kibum called out in distress.

“Stop!” he ordered, pulling his hips away.

Jinki was horrified at the thought that he’d done something wrong … again.

“Kibummie, did I hurt you?” Jinki asked, the worry in his chest evident on his face.

“Lemme see your hand,” Kibum instructed as he turned around to face Jinki.

Jinki held out his hand, bewildered.

“You keep your fingernails too long,” Kibum complained with a surprisingly playful pout, holding up his own hand for comparison.

“Holy shit,” Jinki swore, “are you telling me this is why you’re always filing your nails?” he asked incredulously.

Kibum flashed the cheesiest grin Jinki had ever seen on Kibum’s face. Then he fluttered his eyelashes. “I like to be prepared,” he admitted coyly.

“So, what now?” Jinki asked, hoping to reclaim the mood.

“I’m not taking time out to give you a manicure, if that’s what you mean,” Kibum scoffed, stroking his cock.

“Jagiya,” Jinki uttered in a low, soothing tone, “what can I do to make you feel good right now,” he cooed. He crawled closer and grazed his moist lips along Kibum’s jaw line, finishing with a nip to his unadorned earlobe.

“Let me get started on my own,” Kibum suggested, his eyes narrowing in anticipation, “then you can take over.”

Jinki nodded in agreement, watching Kibum position himself with his legs spread wide. Jinki located the little bottle in the tangle of sheets and passed it wordlessly to Kibum. Jinki sat mesmerized, watching Kibum’s slender finger disappear inside him.

Jinki’s hand found his erection; he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out watching the show unfolding before him. He sat entranced as Kibum’s hole sucked up another finger. It was better than he had imagined, because now he could hear the soft choked-out sounds that erupted from Kibum’s pretty, pink lips, and he could see the sweat collecting in the dips and curves of his slim, pale body.

Jinki squeezed his shaft and pulled down on his balls to give himself some breathing room. He was getting so wound up from watching the twisting of Kibum’s wrist that he started to worry about his ability to perform. The pornographic mewling coming from Kibum’s gorgeous mouth was almost enough to put him over the edge.

At last, Kibum offered him an end to their game. “I need you,” he panted, finally opening his eyes to stare at Jinki invitingly, his face full of urgency and need.

Starving for contact, Jinki crawled up Kibum’s glistening body and brought their lips together, hungrily kissing Kibum’s greedy mouth. They found themselves frotting again while Jinki grabbed and squeezed all the fleshy places on Kibum’s body.

“Take me,” urged Kibum, arching up into Jinki’s muscular frame. “I wanna feel you inside me.”

They exchanged the bottle one last time; Jinki anointed himself and kneeled between Kibum’s legs.

“Jagiya, tell me again,” Jinki requested, firmly caressing Kibum’s thighs, “tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me,” Kibum growled, “now.”

Jinki aligned his heavy cock with Kibum’s wet opening and pushed in without hesitating, in one steady thrust that left Kibum howling like a cat in heat. Jinki stilled his hips and tried to send his heated brain to a place that would let him last more than a few strokes. Kibum was hot and tight and Jinki desperately wanted to pleasure the man beneath him before he himself came undone.

What’s tomorrow’s schedule? Yeah, that’ll work. Jinki thought. Okay, gotta hit the gym, then practice, then the broadcast station, language tutor…

The distraction was working. He kept his mind on work as Kibum met each thrust, and together they found the angle that made Kibum cry out, “Hyung, what are you doing to me?”

Kibum’s ecstatic moaning was too much. Jinki had to stop himself and pull down on his tight sack to keep his cool.

“Jin-keeeee,” Kibum whined, “don’t stop now,” he begged.

“I wanna last,” Jinki admitted breathlessly. “I want to make this good for you,” he added, dipping his head to kiss Kibum’s damp forehead.

Kibum groaned and nodded his head in acknowledgement, but pumped his own cock nevertheless.

Jinki felt the heat in his groin dissipating, so he moved again.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Kibum groaned obscenely, arching up to meet Jinki.

…and maybe we’ll have time for some real dinner. There’s that new place in Mok-dong hyung said we could try…

Jinki kept up the pace and found his groove: every time he brought Kibum close, he eased back again, leaving Key dancing on the edge of ecstasy.

At last, Kibum’s devouring heat was too much. Jinki hurried to wrap his own hand around Kibum’s cock, desperately hoping he could bring on Kibum’s climax before his own.

“Yes!” Kibum hissed through clenched teeth, and Jinki felt Kibum spasm just as his own dam broke and the burning waves of pleasure surged through his body.

Jinki withdrew and collapsed against Kibum, careful not to crush his lover as he nestled against his side, panting.

“Jagiya, are you okay?” Jinki asked, exhausted.

Kibum sighed contentedly. “Fan-fucking-tastic,” he gloated. He grabbed some tissue and wiped away the mess on his chest and between his legs before turning to snuggle against Jinki. He laid his hand against Jinki’s chest, marveling at the ferocious thumping of his heart.

Their sweaty bodies began to cool; Jinki untangled their legs from the sheets and pulled the covers over them.

“I wish I could stay with you like this forever,” Jinki mumbled sleepily, entwining their fingers.

“Now that’s what I call a confession,” Kibum whispered back sweetly.

Pleasantly spent, they drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

“Hide your crack pipe and your kinky Russian porn,” Jonghyun’s voice came blasting down the hallway. “I’m home and I brought the kids with me. And food!”

Kibum was the first to stir.

“Crap, they’re home,” he snarled, shaking Jinki awake and scrambling for some clothes. “Get up!”

Jinki shook the sleep from his eyes and stared while Kibum rummaged through their dresser drawers, tossing clean clothes toward the bed and hitting Jinki in the face with a pair of sweatpants.

“Is that it, then?” Jinki worried aloud. Kibum’s brusque behavior made him afraid that their affair had come to an abrupt end.

Kibum helpfully popped a T-shirt over Jinki’s head. “Are you kidding? I haven’t even started to figure out what makes you tick,” he smiled. “I just don’t want them to know yet. About us, I mean. Taemin’ll freak out, and Jjong and The Tree will just say, ‘I told you so.’”

“Wait, what?” Jinki asked as Kibum thrust a clean pair of underwear into his hand.

“They’re not dense,” Kibum replied with a pointed look.

Jinki scrambled into the sweatpants that had been launched at the bed. “The leader is always the last to know,” he mused, shaking his head.

“Besides, it’ll be fun to sneak around for a while,” Kibum added provocatively, wiggling into fresh briefs.

“You mean like secret agents?” Jinki joked, admiring Kibum’s reverse strip show.

“We can send each other on ‘love missions,’” Kibum suggested.

“Okay, your first mission is to think of a reasonable explanation for why we weren’t speaking this morning,” Jinki suggested thoughtfully. “Taemin thinks we had a fight last night.”

“I’ll tell him that you borrowed my underwear and stretched them out of shape with your huge -“

“Seriously?” Jinki quipped sardonically.

“I’ll think of something,” Kibum assured as he pressed his body against Jinki’s for one last, deep kiss that left Jinki’s heart pounding. “Just play along.”

“Jagiya,” Jinki whispered conspiratorially as they started down the hallway, “I still feel guilty about last night. Do you think maybe you could punish me some more?”

“Every chance I get,” Kibum replied with a leer, pinching Jinki’s butt possessively.

* * * * *

a/n: I claim no responsibility for the smut in this story; I can write only what Key tells me to. [Frottage and fellatio and anilingus, oh my!]

Thank you to my skilled beta reader, kpopstolemysoul, whose comments were thought-provoking and truly helpful. I claim full responsibility any remaining oddities or typos.

* * * * *

Bonus material:

About “Jagiya”

image Click to view

And, for your viewing pleasure, Kibum's briefs

Yachaejuk is a rice porridge often fed to those who have "indulged" or are otherwise feeling icky.

shinee, pairing: onew/key, author: mimi_oly, !fanfic, rating: nc-17

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