1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff
ryeokyu gave me SHINee's Taemin, 2 AM's Changmin and B2ST/Beast's Yoseob.
This kid is just too cute :3 who wouldn't marry him?
I don't have any major feelings for him (Since Onew is my main kpop bias) but come on, who wouldn't want any of the guys in SHINee?
Throw off a cliff
Nothing against Changmin or anything....but I'm not that big of a 2AM person >>;; I like 2 AM and all buuuut I've never really gotten into them that much XD