(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 02:44

Yay!~  Eric is giving me a raise.  ^_^ WHOOT!~  He said that, asked me if'n I wanted one and I thought about it a sec and said shhhuurrreeee!, then did the whole yesh ma'am, heeeheee.  He pondered on it a sec.  "Yah know your the only person I've had here I've actually given a raise to, cool!"  Bwahahaha~!  **cheesy grin**  We laughed on that pretty hard too.  In that it is sad, but I'm awesome so ha kinda way.  The "Jim" called and ordered his usual.  (Guy calls I SWEAR just to hear me speak and to get the pizza handed to him by me.)  So, Eric and I gave eachother a knowing look and I hustled to clean/train the new'en employee and zoomed before said gentleman came it.  He ain't creepy, just its embarassing!  So, I am in a great mood right now!  HEE!  SO, I get paid more than the other drivers AND I'll be on the road after new trainee is cleared.  Von beter wake up and pan out CAUSE I WANNA DELIVER AND MAKE TIPS BASED ON MAH SEXINESS!  The drivers will just have to see me rake in zee cash and loathe my existance. HA!

So, going to be leaving on December 15/16 to go to MI for a bit.  Anyone who wants to see dah Izzums will be subsequently visited and GLOMPED, be prepared, upon my return! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!  Izzy's on your doorstep WILL BE cordially invited in and most likely will have tasty food, beverage or lurve for you SO BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! HWAR!


Oh, gots dah 4.0's in my classes BTW!~  EHEH!
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