LR Progress: First Draft
(working title: Gift of Harea)
5,532 / 6,500
I increased the word count to 6500, seeing that I still need a bit more room to get over this climax, write its disaster, and another sequel before wrapping up the story with another scene. And for this climax, I started incorporating MR unit concept.
Each time I read the book, I learn something new. I knew the significance of the motivation-reaction units but another sentence grabbed my attention: try to limit them to one sentence each.
What is MR unit? Dwight explains in his book that a motivation sentence is one that narrates the surrounding incidents. And this sentence should not, for beginners, contain any mention of the focal character. Not by name, not by pronoun, not by anything, in case beginners such as myself mess it up and turn it into a reaction sentence. A reaction sentence, in turn, must contain the focal character and how she/he/it reacts to that motivational situation narrated just before.
- M: no focal character, relevant to focal character, external motivations
- R: focal character, internal reactions focal character feels or acts upon or says.
And each M and R should be a sentence each. Of course, for vivid writing they will be expanded, but for beginners, he advises to focus on clarity. I guess his rule of vivid writing can be ignored here, for beginners. Then again, he also says vivid writing can be achieved with good choice word or two; no need to write a paragraph when a single word will suffice.
Last page, specially, seems a bit more vivid and logical compared to the page before. So now, each time I write, I need to remind myself of above two points, along with emphasis on usage of five senses and writing from focal character's perspective.
On another note, I was talking to DW and the topic of writing came up. I think my partner fears writing will come first, my family second. I know I have been obsessed with it, but this talk really reminded me not to write once I get home. Obviously, I shouldn't fill that free time with TV either. I think it's the quality I need to focus here. I might throw this question onto
writers_loft .
Learn to listen, as they say.