Above Progress: Revision 2.0
Above Progress: Revision 2.0 - AW:SYW
421 / 421 words(100%)
After the most recent revision, the story now stands at 421 words...nearly half the wordage from the first draft. I hope that's a good thing.
Right now, I've submitted the story to AbsoluteWrite's ShareYourWork area for some critiques. Not sure how much input I'll get though.
Well, well, well. Just as I clicked 'submit,' I got some really helpful tips on the story. A definite plus!
Yesterday, I finished reading Self editing for fiction writers. I'll write up the lessons I learned later, when I do have the book with me. But so far, many things made sense.
The book gave insights to "don't use adverbs (-ly words)" or "show not tell." And it's good. The authors didn't just write them down as a list of things to avoid (which is what I usually find online). Instead, they actually gave passages and showed the difference of before and after a revision.
I'll probably go over it again and apply it to my BW story, which is undergoing a rewrite. (I think I should complete the rewrite first though...editing while writing doesn't seem to work.)